old love does not rust. probably

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A familiar voice cut through the mild panic I was feeling, and his presence was oddly comforting despite our complex history.

"Draco? What are you doing here?" I asked, genuinely surprised to find him in this part of Paris, far from the usual glamorous hotspots frequented by the Malfoys.

"What are you doing here I should ask?" Draco retorted with a slight smirk that didn't quite reach his eyes, which seemed to be scanning the area for someone else. "Where is my father and where is Snape?"

I sighed, feeling somewhat foolish as I explained, "I don't know, I messed up. I tried to apparate by myself," admitting to my less-than-stellar skills with a self-deprecating tone.

Draco laughed, the sound a bit hollow but not unkind. "Yeah, apparition was never your strength," he acknowledged, remembering our time at Hogwarts with a shake of his head. Then, his expression changed slightly, becoming more serious as he continued, "I'm here for dinner, actually. Arranged stuff—you know, with Mum and her new boyfriend, Timothy."

The mention of Narcissa and her moving on to someone new was news to me, and it added another layer of intrigue to the already complicated dynamics of the Malfoy family.

"Timothy? That's quite a change," I remarked, trying to keep the conversation light despite the surprise. "How do you feel about that?"

Draco shrugged, his facade of indifference not quite perfect. "It's whatever Mum needs to be happy, I suppose," he said, but there was a slight tightness in his voice that suggested he might not be as indifferent as he claimed.

Changing the subject, I asked, "Could you help me get to where I'm supposed to be? I'm supposed to meet everyone else but got a bit lost after my botched apparition."

"Sure," Draco agreed, a flicker of the old camaraderie we once shared passing briefly between us. "Let's find your group first. Then I'll head to my thrilling family dinner."

As we walked toward the more familiar parts of Paris where tourists and wizards alike mingled, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Draco's unexpected assistance. It was a reminder of the unpredictability of life—how paths cross in the most unexpected ways, sometimes offering help and comfort from where we least expect it.

We made small talk as we navigated the streets, and I was soon back on track, guided by Draco's confident strides through the city he seemed to know well despite everything. The encounter, brief as it was, provided a much-needed anchor in the flurry of my Paris misadventure.

As we walked through the bustling Parisian streets, Draco's casual mention of his father's meticulous planning brought back a rush of recent memories—some pleasant, others tinged with complexity due to the unfolding events involving Lucius.

"Father takes his time to book this hotel for the trip, actually. I don't even know why he wanted to be so close to the Eiffel Tower," Draco mused, his gaze briefly lifting towards the iconic structure that dominated the skyline.

The mention of Lucius brought a mix of emotions to the surface. Even though the situation with his father was complicated, talking to Draco felt surprisingly easy. "It's nice, though, being close to the tower. Makes for a scenic stay, doesn't it?" I remarked, trying to steer the conversation towards neutral ground.

Draco nodded, his eyes still on the tower. "Yeah, it does. Makes everything feel a bit more... special, I suppose."

The conversation paused momentarily as we navigated through a crowded sidewalk. Then, seizing a quieter moment, I decided to address the elephant in the room—the subtle shift in our own relationship over the years.

Something different I Severus/Lucius/Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now