Chapter 1 | Jon

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I immediately woke up, unable to lay on my bed any longer, such was the terror the dream had made me feel. "What the hell was that?" I wondered as I forced myself to calm down, my hands covering my face. The dream, was so real. "Was is truly a nightmare?" a voice inside me asked "Admit it Jon Snow: that was a vision of the future". If that was the future, the immediate future, I couldn't let any of what I saw happen since the person I was inevitably falling in love with was destined to lose the ones she cared about. All the bad events which brought to Daenerys burning Kings Landing and her consequent death at my hand came from one element: my heritage. "Am I truly a Targaryen?" I asked myself, unsure of the answer to that question. "No one ever mentioned something implying I belonged to the Targaryen family". My father, Ned Stark, had told me the last time I saw him before joining the Night Watch that we would have talked about my mother when we would see each other again. Fate however prevented me from seeing my father again and I was left ignorant about the identity of my natural mother. "If indeed I am a Targaryen, that means Daenerys, the woman I'm falling in love with, is my aunt so I would commit incest if I build a life with her". The dream I had gave me confusion and I didn't know what to do anymore. "Jon, Jon can I come in?" Davos' voice came from my door. I sighed, wishing I could rest a bit longer. "Yes Davos, what is it?" I asked to my most trusted advisor. "We have arrived to Kings Landing" Davos said "Soon we are going to speak with Cercei Lannister". "I know" I replied, knowing we had a duty to fulfill. If we wanted to defeat the Night King and his army, we had to convince Cercei Lannister the dead were real and we had to fight together if we wanted to survive. "Lad are you alright?" Davos asked me worriedly "You seem stressed". "I didn't manage to sleep well unfortunately" I replied "This situation with the dead and the conflict between Daenerys Targaryen and Cercei Lannister has stressed me quite much in the last days". "I know" Davos nodded in understanding "We are going to survive one way or another". "With Cercei as our ally?" I asked skeptically "I truly doubt she is going to help us especially when she sees Daenerys is here with us". "That's why we risked our lives in the North" Davos replied "We captured a dead in order to show it to Cercei. Without it...". "And you think such evidence will be enough to convince her to send a part of her army to the North?" I interrupted him "May I remind you the Lannisters were responsible for the death of my father, my brother and my adoptive mother?". Davos sighed, knowing I was right in having doubts in Cercei. "You are right Jon in being distrustful about Cercei" he conceded "However she along with Daenerys is key to survival. If we don't try to convince her, we are doomed". I sighed, knowing my advisor was right; however the dream I had couldn't be ignored so easily. "If my dream was a vision of the future than Cercei Lannister is going to betray us. She will pretend to reach an agreement with her brother Tyrion. After having made sure we trusted her, she will not send her army to the North". "Davos have you ever had a dream which was so real that it could be considered a vision of...the future?" I asked timidly, unsure whether to share with my best friend what I saw or not. "No, I never had these sort of experiences" Davos answered with a frown "Was this dream the reason why you didn't rest properly?" he asked me worriedly. "Yes unfortunately" I answered, deciding to share with my advisor only a part of the dream I had. "In my dream, Cercei Lannister didn't send her army to Winterfell as promised. She let us deal with the dead army alone". "Jon are you sure?" Davos asked, astonishment and horror printed on his face "Than how did we manage....". "We managed to defeat the Night King fortunately" I assured Davos "However we lost many men, Daenerys as well. That is why I don't trust Cercei". "Jon I understand you are affected by this dream" Davos told me gently, looking me straight in the eyes while he spoke "However you have to realize it was only a dream. You shouldn't let it influence your actions". "Than what should I do Davos?" I retorted, refusing to believe it was only a nightmare the thing which had prevented me to rest properly. "Do you think I should ignore it? What do you think is going to happen if we recklessly trust Cercei Lannister?". "I'm not saying you have to ignore this dream you had" Davos answered "I'm simply saying you shouldn't let it influence your actions. Focus on what is happening around you but at the same time, keep in mind what you saw". I nodded, finally accepting what my advisor was telling me made sense. "Very well" I finally said "For the moment I'll keep for myself this dream I had. However I still think meeting Cercei Lannister is not a wise idea". "If she betrays us than we will find a way to survive without her army" Davos promised as I slowly dressed myself "But for the moment we have to try to convince her the Dead's threat is not something to underestimate".

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