Chapter 5 | Jon

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"Winterfell is yours, your Grace" my sister Sansa's words kept ringing in my mind as I sat in the meeting chamber in Winterfell three days later, along with Daenerys, Sansa and the other northern lords. Up to this moment the meeting was going badly because both Sansa and the northern lords kept questioning Daenerys' true motives to help us. "Time to put an end to this" I thought angrily, deciding to let Daenerys speak "We won't be able to survive without Daenerys Targaryen". "QUITE!" I yelled, raising my hand to get the attention. "I HAVE MADE THE DECISION OF ASKING THE DRAGOON QUEEN TO HELP US, BASING ON WHAT I SAW. NOW, LET QUEEN DAENERYS SPEAK!". Daenerys gave me an appreciative look before standing up from her place at my left side. "My lord and ladies" she started, addressing to the assembly "I know what you think of me. I know you compare me to my father but I am not him so please, don't treat me so. I am here to help; I swore to protect this realm and I intend to do so with my life. I was born in this land but I didn't grow up here. I may be a foreigner and you are right to think so but you have to believe me when I say this is my land and I want to save it from any form of Evil". Silence fell in the room after Daenerys made this small speech. "You may not be your father" Sansa spoke after a brief moment "But you still are a Targaryen: you want the Iron Throne and you are ready to do anything to get it. You are here because you want the North support in reclaiming it after you helped us defeating the Dead army". "My lady" Daenerys retorted "If you don't want my help, I will leave you to fight the Dead on your own and take the Iron Throne now. I'll deal with what is left of you afterwards". "EXACTLY" Sansa exclaimed immediately "YOU JUST PROVED I'M RIGHT: YOU DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US. YOU ONLY WANT THE IRON THRONE!". "ENOUGH!" I roared, deciding to prevent my sister from ruining our relation with the Dragoon Queen "DAENERYS TARGARYEN IS OUR QUEEN! SHE BECAME OUR QUEEN WHEN SHE SAVED BOTH ME AND MY MEN! SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT AND YET SHE DID IT, LOOSING ONE OF HER DRAGOONS IN THE PROCESS!". The lords looked both me and Daenerys with astonishment, waiting for me to continue. "My men and I went on a mission to try and capture a White Walker from beyond the wall. It was a suicide mission and we got trapped. When we thought our time was done, Daenerys came along with her children and burned a part of the Dead Army, saving all of us". My words seemed to have produced an effect because everyone except for Sansa, started to look at Daenerys with respect. "Viserion has been risen by the Night King" Bran said at this point "Thanks to him, the Dead Army has managed to brake through the wall. We must prepare immediately for the Great War". I nodded, knowing Bran's words were true. "We will start the preparations immediately" I announced while the lords started to exit the room, some of them perplexed. "Daenerys, Sir Jorah a word with you please" I said when Daenerys and her advisor where leaving the room as well. "Do you need us?" Sansa asked me. "No, you may go" I answered "I'll see you later". Sansa nodded and left the room as well along with Bran. "Jon, there is something I need to tell you" Bran said, making Sansa stop for a second. "No please, not now" I thought, perfectly knowing what was that about "I'm not ready to discover I am a Targaryen. Not yet". "Later Bran" I said "Now I need to speak with Daenerys and her advisor". "The meeting went well" Daenerys started sarcastically when we were alone. "If they won't accept you, I will convince them to do so after the War" I replied, a part of me desperate to find a way to get this result. I slowly stood up and started pacing before the table. "I reflected on the way Viserion died" I started. "We can't afford to lose another of your children, Daenerys". "What can we do?" Sir Jorah asked at this point "We saw how dangerous that army can be. How can we make sure Daenerys' dragoons survive?". "I think I found a solution for the problem" I said, hoping Daenerys would accept. "What is it?" Daenerys asked, watching me closely. "We need to make an armour for both your children" I answered. "An armour???" Daenerys repeated shocked "How will they be able to fly if they are going to wear an armour during the battle?". "The armour will be placed on parts of the bodies which won't prevent the dragoons from flying" I answered "At the same time, the armour needs to stop any weapon from easily hitting the dragoon's skin. "This is complicate" Sir Jorah said, still not convinced "I like the idea but I'm not sure it can be possible to make an armour which protects the dragoons from any weapon thrown against them and at the same point, is light enough to let them fly". "But we have to try" Daenerys admitted, turning to her friend "If we have a chance to protect my children in battle, we have to take it". "Do you know who could make it?" she asked me, hope on her face. "Gendrie of house Baratheon" I answered "He is a fine blacksmith. I'm sure he will be able to make the armour I envisioned". "Than it is settled" Daenerys said "We will make this armour for both my children, hoping it will be enough to protect them from the Night King and his soldiers". "Sir Jorah can you work with Gendrie?" I asked to Daenery's friend "We need someone who can test the armours once they are ready. We are lucky the Dead Army uses the same weapons of the Livings". "If my queen agrees with this plan, than I will do my part" Sir Jorah answered "When are we going to start?". "Immediately" I answered, knowing there was no time to loose "The sooner the armours are ready, the better". "I agree" Daenerys said, her voice filled with both enthusiasm and determination "The sooner I have given my two remaining children a chance of survival in the wars to come, the better". She than paused for a moment in order to collect her thoughts. "Who is going to know about this?" she asked me. "Only me, you, Sir Jorah and Gendrei Baratheon" I answered "It is imperative no one gets to know about this, not even my advisors or yours Daenerys". "Don't you trust Tyrion or Sir Davos?" Daenerys asked me in confusion "I mean....they are our advisors. I think they should....". "To be honest Daenerys, I don't completely trust Tyrion Lannister" I admitted with a frown "I'm not sure he will be strong enough to fight his sister till the end of the war. As for my advisor Sir Davos, I trust him but I don't want him to accidentally sharing our projects with others. The less people know about this, the better". "Very well" Daenerys said "Than we will keep all of this secret". "I will speak with Gendrie Baratheon tomorrow" I promised. Daenerys nodded and without saying anything, she hugged me fiercely "Than you" she said in a trembling voice "Thank you for doing this". "You are welcome Daenerys" I said, feeling a little embarrassed by the gesture "After Viserion's death, I swore to myself I would do anything in my power to save the ones close to you from death. It is my intention to do so". 

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