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3 years later...

"What if she won't make it?" I thought in horror as I sat outside mine and Daenerys' bedroom in Meeren. Missandei who constantly visited us along with Grey Worm in order to ensure we were fine, was inside our bedroom to assist her, along with the Red Priest known as Kinvara. Three years had passed since the death of Cercei Lannister during which several things happened: Bran had been chosen to be the new ruler of Westeros and he now ruled the Six Kingdoms with Tyrion Lannister and Varys as his right hands. Sansa on the other hand had managed to obtain from Bran the independence of the North and now ruled on it as an heir of her father Ned Stark. Arya, being curious about the world in which we lived had decided to explore it along with Gendry Baratheon. As for me, after Daenerys' announcement to give up the Iron Throne, we decided to leave Westeros for good and go living in Meeren. While Daenerys immediately resumed her role as queen of the city, I decided to find a job for myself even if I was the lover of the queen. Having realized that despite Daenerys' actions to improve the quality of life in Meeren, murderers kept happening I decided to become an investigator. This decision soon revealed to be the correct one because in a short time thanks to my deductive ability, everyone in Meeren asked for me whenever they didn't have a problem which required Daenerys' attention; my direwolf Ghost who had come with us in Mereen as well as Kinvara helped me in my activity. Despite our respective jobs however, me and Daenerys always spent our free time together and as a result of this, we got married in the middle of our second year in Mereen. Daenerys was convinced she couldn't have children but I didn't accept the story of the witch she kept telling me and thanks to my stubbornness, I managed to get her pregnant. "That was an astonishing announcement, I have to admit" I thought as I remembered the day when Dany had told me she was pregnant, tears of joy rolling on her cheeks. "She has to survive. I can't accept she is destined to have no children". "Jon stop walking nervously, she will be fine" Grey Worm, who had been sitting with me outside Dany's bedroom told me. "I would stop doing this if only I knew my wife is fine and my child is born without any sort of complications" I retorted as I kept pacing in front of the door. "She will make it, I know it" Grey Worm comforted me "You need to have faith". I nodded, knowing he was right in telling me this. "How was it?" I asked him "How did you feel when it was Missandei's turn to give birth to your children?". "It was...interesting" Grey Worm answered as he remembered when his love had given birth to two twins six months ago "I never saw a woman giving birth to a child so I was at Missandei's side during the labor". "Weren't you nervous?" I persisted "Weren't you afraid something might have gone wrong?". "I was a little afraid, I won't deny it" Grey Worm admitted "But I managed to stay calm because I knew Missandei has always been healthy so I didn't have anything to worry....". "Jon?" Missandei's voice interrupted her love and I immediately rushed to her. "Missi do you have any news?" I immediately asked, my voice trembling with fear. "Come and see for yourself" Missandei answered with a great smile on her face and opened Dany's door wider in order to let me go inside. I entered immediately, Grey Worm following me and the sight which met my eyes made me stop in my tracks: my Dany lied on our bed, Kinvara at her side with tho babies in her arms. Without turning my gaze, I slowly walked towards the bed refusing to believe I had managed to make my wife's dream come true. "Hi" Dany said weakly, a smile on her face. "Hi" I softly said, my eyes feeling with tears of joy at the sight of our babies. "I told you...". "Yes, you were right" Dany interrupted me, her smile growing "You did it". Without saying anything, I slowly took one of the babies in my arms in order to look him closely before sitting next to my Dany. "Hello little one" I said and tenderly caressed his face "Welcome in our lives". "Yes, mum and dad love you very much" Daenerys confirmed as she cuddled the child in her arms, love printed on her face. "Who...who is the older one?" I asked, curiosity feeling me "Who was born first?". "They were born at the same time Jon" Kinvara answered, smiling to the child in Dany's arms. "So this means they are twins" I concluded, astonishment printed on my face. "Yes, they are twins" Dany confirmed, tears rolling on her cheeks as well "You managed to make me the happiest woman in this world". My wife's words moved me and I tenderly gave her a kiss on her forehead. "I only gave you what you deserved after the life you gave me" I replied "This was the only way I could properly thank you". "The boy has your eyes Jon" Grey Worm who was next to me, observed. My gaze fell on my son who now had his eyes open and I realized his eyes were of the same color of mine: dark brown. "And the girl has your same eyes Dany" Missandei added as she caressed my daughter's hands. "Indeed" Daenerys replied as she too watched her daughter. "How are we going to call them?" she than asked me. "I thought you had already decided" I replied without turning my gaze from my son. "This is something we have to do together" Daenerys replied "So, what do you suggest?". I stayed in silence for a moment in order to think. "I think we should give them the names of someone who had an influence in our lives" I said. "This is a wonderful idea honey" Dany agreed. "I think our daughter's name should be Arya, Arya Targaryen". "Arya?" I asked astonished "Why my second half sister?". "Because she was the one who made me realize what I truly wanted from my life" Daenerys answered, smiling at the memory "I'll never be grateful enough to her for the help she gave me in understanding what I truly wanted was to build a life with you". I pondered my wife's words and I realized she was right: Arya was the one responsible for our life here in Mereen since she was the one who encouraged Daenerys to choose what she wanted instead of what she felt was right from her family's point of view. "This....this is awesome love" I finally said and kissed my Dany on her lips "Than may Arya be the name of our daughter". "What about the boy?" Grey Worm asked and everyone's stare fell on me. "Since my wife decided to honor one member of my adoptive family by giving our daughter her name, I guess I will do the same with my son" I said as I stared my son in his eyes, my eyes. "Since Jorah was the one who protected my Dany from the beginning of her journey until his death in Winterfell, I want my son to have his name". Having said these words, I carefully raised my son on top of my head in order to let everyone see him clearly. "Gentleman, may I present you my son Jorah Targaryen?". Silence fell in the room after my presentation and then, Daenerys started clapping her hands, immediately followed by Missandei, Kinvara and Grey Worm. "LONG LIVE TO ARYA AND JORAH, THE HEIRS OF HOUSE TARGARYEN!" everyone said as I hugged my beloved wife and daughter, love and bliss on our faces. "Now we are complete" Dany said softly and moved closely to me in order to hug me. "Yes, now we are complete" I agreed and I watched again our children, astonished by their beauty. "I bet Arya will be like her mother while Jorah will look like me" I reflected and I kissed both of them "Jorah and Arya Targaryen, welcome in our lives" I said softly.

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