Chapter 1

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Her head hurt tremendously. It was as if a thousand needles were burrowing themselves deep inside of her brain, slowly bringing her to consciousness of the darkness that surrounded her.


A slightly more subdued pain spread into her chest and shoulders, making their way down what she guessed to be her arms. They throbbed lightly with a dull pain. She began to feel grass beneath the backs of her hands.

"Hello? Who's there? What—"

Soon the tingly feeling made its way down past her stomach and to her legs. She felt herself become more and more aware of herself in the blackness as the grass tickled her bare ankles. A voice cut through the silence once more, though it sounded like just a mere whisper.

"What the hell...?"

She now heard footsteps, growing louder as they grew nearer. The pain in her head began to fade, and the rest of her body felt numb. A warm gush of air blew on her face. She felt her eyelids slowly open, only to be met with the bright red eyes of an unknown person.

She yelled loudly and frantically pushed herself away from the stranger. The person paused, aware that they had frightened her, and held their hands up to show they meant no harm.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you."

She took a moment to look over at the stranger, a tall male with bright red eyes and long pink hair pulled back in a braid. There were two tusks sticking out from his mouth, like a pig's, giving him a menacing and dangerous appearance. A golden crown sat atop his head, and he wore a grand red cape over a simple white shirt and pants.

She watched him with wide eyes as he studied her. When he took it a step closer, she stayed frozen in place. Then, he lowered himself to the ground, and the two made eye contact.

"I'm Technoblade, but you can call me Techno. What's your name?" The male—Techno—asked.

"My-my name?" She stuttered, "I don't— I don't know..." Techno pursed his lips and reached out towards her left arm. She lightly flinched when he grabbed her left wrist, but allowed him to hold it.

"Let's see," he muttered, flipping her wrist upside down. She blinked in confusion, noticing the black markings on the inner side of her wrist. "Your name is Kayla."

"What? How do you know that?" She asked quietly. Techno pointed to her wrist, and so she pulled her left hand from his grasp and looked down at where he pointed. The word Kayla was engraved into her skin in black, almost like a scar.

"I have one, too," the male added, "Mine says Technoblade, but I thought that was a rather formal name, so I shortened it to Techno." He held up his wrist for her to see, and Kayla stared in surprise at the similar markings on his wrist.

"Where are we? Why can't I remember anything?" Kayla questioned, turning her attention to her surroundings. She was sitting in the grass, in a small clearing of a forest. She looked back towards Techno to see him deep in thought.

"You can't remember anything either? You must be a contestant, then," he muttered, tapping his finger against his leg, "But that's unusual. No one joins after it begins..."

"After what begins?" Kayla asked him uneasily, "Where are we, what is this place?" Techno turned towards her.

"This is the arena," he told her, "And you are, I assume, another contestant in the game. We all entered the arena just like you, with no memory of our past. There were twenty four of us in all, but three have died already. Adding you makes it twenty-two again, though—"

"Died?" She exclaimed in shock, "People have died? What is going on?"

"I don't know much more than you do," Techno sighed, "So, change of subject, what's your weapon?"

"My weapon?" Kayla repeated, "What do you mean?"

"Each contestant is spawned in the game with a weapon, and that weapon is their strength. Mine was a sword, but I stole this crossbow off someone who I ki—" Techno paused awkwardly, "You know what, I won't go there. But, anyway, each of us was given a weapon which is our strong suit. What's yours?"

"Umm," she hummed, feeling her arms and legs for some sort of weapon. When she reached behind her, though, she felt something. She gripped her hand around the end and gently pulled upwards on it. A metallic shing whistled in the air as she found herself holding a short sword, only about the length from her elbow to her hand. She glanced behind her head and saw what she believed to be the end of another sword. She pulled on it, and sure enough, she found herself with an almost identical sword to the first.

"I've never seen swords like those before," Techno commented, "Do they do anything special? My sword is unbreakable." Kayla studied the two blades, eventually noticing that the two ends of the swords were different. When she held the ends together, she watched in surprise as the two swords slid together and clicked into place, forming one long sword with a blade on either end.

"Woah, this is actually pretty cool," she said, running her finger carefully along the side, "I've never seen nor used one of these before, though. How is it supposed to be my strength?"

"That's part of the magic of this place," Techno chuckled, "Try swinging it around a bit. Trust me, it'll feel a lot more natural than it seems like it should."

"Okay," Kayla replied, nodding. She stood up and held the double sided blade in her hand. She swung it back and forth, then straight forward in a stabbing motion, surprised at how comfortable and smooth it felt.

"See what I mean?" Techno asked, a hint of a smile on his face, "It only gets better from here. The more you use it, the better you'll get. Say, how would you like to be my ally?"

"I would love to!" Kayla responded eagerly, "I have no idea where I am or what to do right now. I really need the help."

"I've been a loner up until now, but I think you and I could make a good team," Techno commented, "You've got a lean and light build, good for running fast. I could probably teach you to climb trees as well. Although you wouldn't be able to counter the brute force of some contestants, strategy and skill could definitely make up for that."

Kayla blinked in surprise. Techno had judged her physical abilities quite well in a matter of seconds. It seemed like she had found a good ally to team with.

"Thanks again, Techno, for helping me," she said.

"Oh, don't worry about it," Techno replied, shrugging, "You should just be lucky that some of the other contestants didn't find you before me. A couple of them would've killed you on sight for sure, though I'm not certain about the rest. Would have depended on how useful and trustworthy you seemed. Speaking of that, had any thoughts of backstabbing me?" Her mouth gaped in shock at him, but Techno chuckled lightly.

"I'm just kidding," he told her, "Just from your reaction I could tell you were insulted. How about I show you where my base is, and we can get some food for the both of us. I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

"Now that you mention it, I'm quite hungry as well," she said, "Lead the way." Techno nodded and turned to start walking, but paused and turned back towards her.

"Lesson one, always walk silently so your enemies can't hear you, and so you can try to hear them," he informed her.

"You're teaching me already?" Kayla questioned. Techno grunted and nodded his head.

"Any moment could be your last here. Let your guard down for only a minute, and you could be dead," Techno said, "That's just how it works here, Kayla. Welcome to the Games."

A/n - New story pog! Updates will probably once every 1-2 weeks just bc I'm focusing on Bee Boi and Me (also writers block is killing me with both stories)
I've got a few cool ideas for this story and I have a vague idea of where it's going to go, so yeah, hope you all like it (:
~Your lovely author <3

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