(TWC) Chapter 13 - I wanna be with you forever.

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[Y/N's POV]

Clocky taps my shoulder in an attempt to annoy me. "Hey, hey, hey. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, YYY/N!"

Finally giving up, I decided to give her attention. "Yes?", I say while trying not to sound annoyed.

"Do you have to work today?", she pouts. "That Chief guy said we could take a break for the day and I wanna spend the break with you!"

I stare into her pleading eyes for a bit, sighing. I shut my computer off and smile at her, "I swear, you must be some kind of witch to make it difficult to say 'no' to you."

"Orrr, you could just say that you have fallen for me?", she grins while she plops her chin on my chest.

I put a finger to my mouth, "Hmm, I'm not gonna say anything yet."

"Awww, why?!", she whines.

I scratch my head, "I'm not sure if that's appropriate."

Her grin turns into a sad frown, making me feel terrible for what I said.

"Can you at least... tell me what you think of me?", she shyly covers her fave with the fur of her jacket.

Trying not to blush at her current shy demeanor, I answer her. "Well... you're an idiot sometimes. Bit of a moron when it comes to emotions. Not to mention, you have trouble with respect in heavy situations."

Her face saddens at what I said. Clearing my throat, I gather her attention once more. "But..."

She tilts her head, "But?"

"But... you're also very smart. Very clever, incredibly strong. And... beautiful.", both of us begin to madly blush.

"I don't know your past much, but what I do know is that you are by far... the strongest woman... I've ever met."

Both of our faces stay in a goofy grin as we gazed deep into the eyes of each other. It becomes clear to both of us that neither wants to look away from each other. I hold her gloved hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. She squeezes back.

"To the couch?", she asks. "I wanna watch more anime with you!"

Smile, I try to get up. "Sure. But you have to get up off of me first."

That only seems to make her tighten her arms around me. "Hmm, Nah I don't think I will."

"No anime then.", I tease with a grin.

"Awww, c'mon! What do I have to do to get you to carry me bridal style!", she pouts.

The blush on my face deepens, "E...Excuse me?!", I question with a chuckle.

"That's right! CARRY ME!", she commands with her arms out to me.

I sigh, "Maybe say it without such a commanding tone and you'll get what you want."

She huffs, "Ugh... alright, please?", she tilts her head.

I smile, "Good. Now let's go to my couch."

I sling her left arm over my shoulder. "You mean, OUR couch!" I have no clue what she means by 'our couch', so don't ask.

She tightens her left arm over my shoulder as I pick up both her legs with my left. She wasn't too heavy, but thankfully my workout and training as a detective have paid off today.

I plop both of us on the couch, yet Clocky still doesn't get off me. "Clocky?", I raise my voice a bit.

"No!", she rejects in a whiney voice.

[DISCONTINUED] (Detective!Male Reader X Clockwork) Where stories live. Discover now