Percy in school

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He's coming!

Percy's gonna come today

I'm going to introduce him as a friend because I do not want their impression of Percy as just 'Annabeth's boyfriend'. I want them to see Percy as his true self.

I walk up to our table in the cafeteria.

I see Mike, Laura, Eli, and Sam talking to each other.

Mike and Sam whisper something, then Laura hurries away. "Hey, Annabeth!"

"Hey, Laura!!"

Then, every girl in the cafeteria is looking at me. No, looking behind me.

I turn around to see him.

I turn around to see Perseus Jackson.

"Hey, Wise girl." He says, his famous troublemaker grin on his face.


We hug. I wanted so badly to kiss him, but I tried not to.

We hold hands I go to introduce him to my friends.


I'm Eli. Annabeth's friend. But I'm gonna become her boyfriend soon. Then I'll protect her from all the jocks who hit on her every day.

Just then, a boy comes holding hands with my Annabeth.

I eye him suspiciously.

"Guys, this is Percy, my 'Best friend'. "




Best friend? I had known Annabeth for over 2 years. I was her best friend. Not some random guy who shows up.

We all introduced ourselves, and Percy did too. He seemed like a nice guy. But most of my time I kept sneaking glances towards Annabeth. Then, just as I looked over to Percy, he glared at me intensely, even more than I saw in Annabeth. Believe me, if looks could kill, I'd be in my tomb right now. I was beginning to have my doubts about him.

The first bell rang, and we left for our classes.

Of course, Percy was in the same classes as Annabeth. When I walked over to my usual seat beside her, he came and sat there. Most of the time they would just chat but then Percy said something, and Annabeth's face became deadly serious. They started talking in whispers.

Most of the classes were the same, but I heaved a sigh of relief as I got over to architecture. Annabeth was in the same class, and Percy had chosen marine biology, so I was quite happy to see Annabeth sitting alone.

The first day of term, and Mr. Ledge had already given us an assignment. We had to work in pairs to come up with a good design for the school, how we would have imagined it. I was quite happy when Mr. Ledge paired me up with Annabeth. I was going to her house when mom called, "Where are you going? "

"Off to a friend's house mom"

"Oh, okay then"

I came to a stop at an address that I remembered by heart.

I rang the bell, and then Bobby came to answer the door. Or was it Matthew? I always got them wrong.

"Annabeth your friend is here!"


Annabeth came down, her hair tied in a bun. she was wearing a simple grey sweatshirt and bleached jeans. She looked perfect with those owl earrings.

We both studied and sketched designs for a while. I asked her where the bathroom was, it was on the upper floor, in front of her room.

As I went there, I decided to peek into her room, where I saw the one and only: Percy Jackson.

"What are you doing here?!"

"what are you doing here?!!", we both said at once.

"Um... I live here" Percy said.

What!? he lived here?!

"I was searching for the bathroom."

"It's there," Percy said, pointing there.

Then I went back to Annabeth and Percy was sitting with her, holding hands.


They jumped back.

"I, um I'll be back in a minute." Annabeth said.

Now Percy's glaring daggers at me. Great.

"Uhmm... why were you holding her hand?"

"Can't we?"

"I mean, don't people dating do that? And you both aren't dating."

Great. Now the daggers have turned into swords.

"We're best friends. We met when we were 12. And we've had many adventures together, so we're very close."

Adventures? What did he mean by adventures? And they are best friends since they were 12. Wayyyy more time than Annabeth and my friendship. Woah.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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