Start from the beginning

"But since you asked so nicely, I suppose I can give it to my brother." Rocielle lightly slid the handkerchief across the table to Medea, Asteria felt uneasy but hid it under her warm smile.

"Ria?" The call of her name snapped her out of her trance, Asteria taking a glimpse at Medea who was staring at her. "Rocielle already went home awhile ago, But you seem to be dazed."

The servants picked up the ceramic platters, cleaning the table as Asteria stood up. "I'm sorry, I'm thinking about a lot of things right now Medea."

"What is bothering you? It's unusual for you to doze out like that," Like always, Asteria was a open book for Medea to read. Everything about her just seemed to be so predictable, yet Medea never mentioned that.

"You know me so well.." Asteria awkwardly chuckled, rubbing her nape lightly. "I have time to spare before dinner starts at the manor." Medea added, walking towards the Palace.

Out of the twelve gardens in the Imperial Palace, Asteria owns atleast five of them. She frequently spends her time there to either enjoy herself with a cup of tea or hone her skills in archery.

"It's nothing, Medea. Please don't worry about me," Asteria lightly tapped the female's shoulder, to reassure her. "If you say so, Ria."

"Safe travels!" Asteria waved her hand, watching Medea's figure walking to the gates of the palace. Again, Asteria was left alone. "Sister,"

A quiet squeak left Asteria's mouth, taking a leap forward. Asteria turned around, meeting her brother's silver hued eyes. "Eros, please don't scare me like that."

Eros arched a dark brow, before shrugging his shoulders. "I was already here awhile ago." Asteria pouted, before wrapping an arm around her younger brother's shoulder. "The weather is quite cold today, we wouldn't want you to get sick right? Let's go inside,"

Eros wanted to protest on how Asteria was treating him like a child, but no words left his mouth. He could only mumbled, 'Yes sister.' In response.

They both ended up on Eros's balcony, Asteria holding a glass of liquor which was unusual for the female. Knowing Asteria, she strongly disliked the scent of alcohol and would do anything to get away.

"Liquor, really? I thought you disliked such beverages sister," Asteria dryly laughed, holding her one finger up. "It's just for today, brother. I'm past the legal age to drink already too,"

"Just don't drink too much." Eros reminded, a hint of concern evident on his tone. "Of course, I'll only drink one glass."

"Why are you even drinking anyways?" Eros informally questioned, as Asteria leaned on the railings. The glass of wine held in her slender fingers, "I felt like it,"

She took a sip from her glass, closing her eyes in exasperation. 'Sister seems so bothered, this is my first time seeing her like this.'

Eros inwardly thought, Asteria placed her glass on the table just beside her. The female cast a glance to her younger brother, who was just staring at her. "What is it Eros? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Asteria chuckled, brushing her navy blue locks with her fingers. Eros diverted his gaze to the nearest object, remaining silent to her question.

Even though he was young, he was already pressured with the duties of being a prince. Of course he will never admit that aloud, Even when Asteria was busy, she will take half of his workload just to not make him stressed and exhausted.

"I'm alright, Eros. Don't worry," Asteria continued, gazing at the stars that twinkled up in the dark skies. The moon beams with it's graceful light, Precious golden eyes that reflected the moon as she stared at the skies in awe.

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