Smoking Buddy

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Lidia was going to be hacking all night,  so I had to go back to my foster home. When I arrived at the house, I walked to the side of the house and climbed a rope I had left previously. When I was safe in my room, I messaged Lidia to ask for an update. She said the D.I.A'S firewall was easier to hack through than her own. And that takes three days. Luckily hacking through the D.I.A only takes one and a half for Lidia. Now I just had to wait that long. I'm wasn't going to just sit around and do nothing. So I planed my next move. As I was thinking, Molly burst into my room looking around frantically till her eyes landed on me. She ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Adria don't you dare scare us like that again!" she said reproachfully

"Well, maybe if you hated hospitals like I do then you would have climbed out of the window too." I said stating reason. 

"I know I would have but, you scared us so bad Adria! We caught everything on camera! The doctors have diagnosed you with  PTSD! You need therapy! HELP!" she all but screamed.

"WELL IF YOUR BEST FRIEND IS PROBABLY  BEING TORTURED RIGHT NOW WOULDN'T YOU BE DIAGNOSED WITH PTSD FROM HAVING A SHORT BREAKDOWN!!!! I yelled. Then covered my mouth, realizing what I just said and ran out of the room. Silent tears ran down my face, escaping the prison they had been held in for years. Then I got on my Harley and drove. Drove until I found a familiar place. My sanctuary. A pond that shone like blue-green crystals, surrounded by wild grapevines climbing up the birch trees. I sat down by the pond and pulled out my blueberry-scented cigarettes, lit one, laid back, and relaxed slowly. Then, I was startled to see a familiar face. Croc!  He smelt the cigarettes! One day when I had come to my pond, I was surprised to find a puppy, whimpering in front of the pond. He was a white and brown spotted pitbull with blue eyes. His tail was almost cut off. That day, I sewed back on his tail and he became my cigarette buddy. Every time I was sad and was at the pond smoking, Croc came and sat by me. He recognized the blueberry cigarettes that I smoked. I walked over to Croc and hugged him. (He licked my face in return) Then, a twig snapped behind us. I turned around, pulled out my gun, and pointed it at the stranger. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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