Forgiving the Unforgivable

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When I was up in that tree, something clicked. I started hyperventilating. The world started to spin. I was panicking. Was this how Xayden felt? Trapped? Like every minute takes an hour? Like your going to be back in the shooting? Black dots started to cloud my vision as I fell. 

I was back at the fortress of the Taliban. The hot Aghanistan sun was beating on my back pushing me back into the shade. I saw three people come out holding what I came there for. Xayden. He was bloody, beaten, and bruised. His clothes were tattered and dirty. The three men in the plain brown turbans brought out a gun, pointed it at Xayden and..........

My ear-piercing scream ran through the pure white hospital. Waking babies as they started to scream with me in a horrible symphony. Doctors and nurses started shuffling around in the room below. This was my time to escape. I pulled the I.V out of my arm, took some clothes out of my rucksack, changed out from the hospital gown, and threw some rope out of my window. I attached the rope to my bedpost and started my descent. When I got to the ground I tugged on the rope really hard, pulled it down, and put it in my rucksack. I walked all the way to my foster home and knocked on the caramel door. Troy opened the door a smidge then let me in. 

"What are you doing back here your supposed to be back at the hospital!" Troy whisper-yelled.

"MAYBE I GOT TIRED OF THE FUCKING HOSPITAL AS SOON AS I WOKE UP!" I roared. Then Matteo came down the stairs with an angry expression on his face.

"I DON'T WANT TO BE AWAKEN AGAIN! I SPENT ALL OF LAST NIGHT GETTING DRUNK SO I HAVE A MAJOR HANGOVER! I NEED TO SLEEP!"  Matteo screeched. Then he ran back up to his room. I sighed then ran my fingers through my hair. I walked out of the living room and went to my room. I face-planted into my bed. I dug through my leather jacket pocket until I found my iPhone. Then I dialed Ashton's number. It rang once, twice, three times then he picked up.

"Hello?" Ashton questioned. 

"Hello Ashton this is Adria and I need your help." I answered. 

 " A-Adria?" He said in shock. 

"Yes, Ashton but I need your help. Do you remember when I ran away?"

"Y-yes." he said.

"Okay, I'll tell you what happened. When I ran away I stayed at a friend's house till I was 16. Then I joined the military. I was shipped off to Afghanistan. There was a huge battle I thought I saved everyone but, it felt like I missed something. I didn't figure it out till recently. I missed Xayden Enlie. I need you to get me a flight from the U.S to Afghanistan. Now."

"I'm sorry Adria I can't get you a flight. Your underage and you don't know exactly where he is. I'm sorry I can't. I wish I could but I can't. Bye Adria." That was it that was all he said and I was practically fuming. I forgave him and he did nothing. I forgave the unforgivable and got nothing in return.

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