Secret Service help

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Xayden Enlie ^^^^

Crazy anonymous narrator

Hmm, back again so soon? You want the rest of the story? Getting a little greedy are we? Another day another piece of the futu-.......memories? Let's begin once more.


I was back in Afghanistan. Not fighting. It was getting late and I was on border watch for the night with Xayden Enlie. His expression was colder than it had ever been. Eyes a cold steel-grey stared back at me. He was my best friend until we grew apart. He used to be a lot different. No cold expressions to be seen ever. He was always smiling. That was till his parents passed away from a drug overdose. He grew cold, distant, merciless. No longer the man he used to be I let go of his newly approved appearance and tried to get him to open up to me. I wasn't afraid of his tattoos, piercings, or cold stares. I knew he was a good person despite his bad-boy persona.  He was my friend but then he was just a fellow marine...................

I gasped and shot up off my pile of blankets. Xayden was the one I missed! I knew I missed something! Who took his place? Or did the Seargent miscount? I need to get back to Afghanistan and save him! But, how am I going to get there? I can't run away. They would find me quickly. I needed some help. Secret Service help.

Dreams of the TalibanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin