Zander laughed. He really did until he looked back to Sweet Pea's flat expression, radiating nothing but the truth.

"Lilith? Submitting to a Serpent?" The boy repeated.

"Lilith submitting to someone she trusts." Sweet Pea cleared as he shot the boy another glare.

"Trusted." Zander said before turning to walk away only to stop before sighing out.

"I actually like her company and I know she'd hate me so that's the only reason I'm telling you we didn't sleep together." Zander said as he turned back to Sweet Pea.

"I knew something was different. That day I got her from the cafeteria." Zander took a step back towards Sweet Pea.

"I'm used to us just going at it, not giving a single damn about anything. I'm sure you know how she can be." Sweet Pea glared at him at the thought of him touching her.

"It was like she was fine for a moment and then she looked up at me." Sweet Pea frowned at the boys recall.

"It's like she was surprised it was me, I hadn't even kissed her before she shoved me away from her. She lied right to my face and ran out of the room." It all made sense to Zander now.

"I called her out on it, saw the way she lingered on you. Her eyes followed you around like a magnet, I hadn't ever seen her so interested in someone. She pushed my touch from her like it burned when you looked over." Zander laughed.

"She denied it and I made a comment about her not getting what she wants and that obviously you weren't interested and she lost her shit on me. Slammed me into a locker and yelled at me, said she wasn't going to play with your feelings." Sweet Pea's jaw locked at this.

"Once she finished this big ramble I asked her if she loved you and I'd never seen her face flush so fast, it gave it away. Lilith told me no but she stormed away like I was teasing her for it." Zander rolled his eyes.

"She might be batshit crazy but you'd be a psycho to not get her back." Zander shot Sweet Pea a glare.

"The things I would do to have Lilith, the angriest and most violent person I've ever met in my life, blush at the sight of me walking down a hallway." Sweet Pea realized that the description Zander gave of the girl wasn't anything like the one he'd have given her.

Zander sighed for a moment before remembering walking in on Lilith, her eyes bloodshot and tears spilling rapidly.

He made the mistake of rushing to her, "What's wrong, Malyshka?"

The blade came quick and ruthlessly- Zander was lucky to jerk back fast enough. He was surprised at the fury in her slash and truly was scared of her in that moment.

"I walked in on her crying and tried to comfort her." Zander pointed at the cut.

"She doesn't like it when people see her weak." Zander frowned which Sweet Pea mirrored at the memory of her full blown crying in the hall.

He was Lilith's soft spot.

"Do whatever you want. Just know that if you don't I'm going to." Zander grinned before quickly rushing away as if he knew Sweet Pea would take him down for the comment.

Sweet Pea oddly felt better at the reminder that he was special to her, that he was her first and her his.

Lilith wasn't at school.


Lilith was burning down their side of town.

Even in her leathers Lilith felt hollow, like somehow it wasn't enough.

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