chapter 4

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"Are you sure you're okay? You look a bit feverish..." Hinata leaned back, tilting his head towards the upperclassmen they passed in greeting when they waved.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Just a... thought." Sugawara was rather vague when he answered. He could never admit aloud what he had thought, it was much too embarrassing!

Hinata gave a suspecting glance and hummed in affirmation. "And we are here," Sugawara all but shouted, "first years go to the lower area and third years go to the top of the slope. You can just stay anywhere, seeing as classmates haven't been acquainted yet!" Suga spoke quickly, rushing towards where he was supposed to be.

"Thank you!" Hinata yelled his thanks and went towards to first years section of the field. He stood to the far left, almost out of the area for first years, to not block other first years' vision of the principal.

"Hey man, can you please move a bit? You're blocking my view..." Hinata turned around and saw a guy with floppy black hair behind him. The guy inched backwards with a nervous look on his face, "You don't have to! It's completely fine with me if you don't! I-" he was cut off.

"I'm sorry, I'll move a bit more to the side. Is this okay?" Hinata adjusted his body to the left, giving the guy behind him a clear view of the principal, who had already started his speech.

"Uh– yeah! Thanks man!" The guy smiled at Hinata, "I'm Ennoshita Chikara! Second year!" Ennoshita scrambled to say as he realized he had not yet introduced himself.

Hinata grinned slightly, "I'm Hinata Shōyō, first year! Nice to meet you Ennoshita-san!" Ennoshita blanched, the tree was a first year? Of course he was! He was in the first year lines!

"Likewise, Hinata. We should pay attention now, or we'll be called on by the teachers surrounding us, hehe..." Ennoshita trailed off when a teacher gave them a warning glance.

Hinata hummed in agreement, turning his attention to the principal's speech.

"–and it is with a welcoming smile that I say, welcome to Karasuno high-school!" The speech was already over. Hinata internally panicked, what was he going to do? He hadn't heard a thing!

"Once again students, feel free to walk around the school for the first two hours of classes to get to know the campus! If you ever get lost just look at the maps given while you exit the field. And remember teachers will be spread out around the school to help out!

First years, get a move on! Second and third years are free to go to their classrooms for the year and relax! At least, until teachers return to their classes! Have a fantastic day!"

Oh thank God. Hinata slouched in relief, the repeat was very much helpful.

"Do you need help getting around, Hinata?" Ennoshita was quick to ask once he saw the lost look on his underclassmen's face. All other first years were already vacating the area.

"Yes, please! That would be most preferable!" Hinata beamed down at the second year who smiled back, though shakily, at the first year.

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