Turn a Blind Eye

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(Y/N) or Y/N: Your Name

(F/N): First Name

(L/N): Last Name

Italic: Thoughts

Bold: Locations


Italic underlined: Flashback

Bold Italic: Telepathic communication

Underlined: Video/audio


Ryuko and Y/N were in Mr. Mikisugi's room, glring daggers at Mikisugi as he was sweting bit.

Mikisugi: Easy! Don't do anything hasty!

Ryuko: I get the feeling I'm being played here! So why don't you tell me what the deal is with you and Mr. Mohawk!

Mikisugi: I don't know what your talking about.

(Y/N): Bullshit!

Ryuko: You totally know and we got proof.

Ryuko then pulls up a photo that has Mikirugi and Tsumugu discussing amongst themselves at the bar they met that night.

Ryuko: See?! Who's that? Oh snap, it's you and Mr. Mowhawk!

Mikisugi: Where did you get that?

Ryuko: After I almost got killed by that guy, I asked Mataro to snoop around and find out about it! That kid's pretty connected around here. And he found pics of that guy who looks a lot like you!

Y/N: And before you deny it any further, I got some video footage about your conversation with Tsumugu.

Y/N pulls out a tablet, and with a press of a button, he played the video of the conversation both Tsumugu and Mikisugi had .

Y/N: After our first encounter with Tsumugu, I managed to use a personal spy robot I made to get some info. And needless to say, what my little friend picked up surprised me. Face it, buddy! We got your ass beat!

Mikisugi was panicking internally at this point.

Ryuko: We're giving you five seconds to tell us what the hell you guys are up to or else!

Y/N: Our patience is already thin enough as it is! So don't fucking make it any worse!

Knowing he was caught, Mikisugi removed his disguise and looks to Ryuko.

Mikisugi: The plan was make the bond between you and Senketsu even stronger.

Ryuko: Huh?

Y/N: Wait! You mean all that was...

Mikisugi: That's right. He is Tsumugu Kinagase. And yes, the two of us are working together. You both stood up to him like a champ.

Y/N: 😑 And cue the strip tease.

Mikisugi: Now you and Senketsu re true partners. Now that Satsuki Kiryuin has a Kamui, we thought the best way to get you ready was to put you to the test.

Ryuko: So after all that, you were lying to me!

Mikisugi: Uh huh.

Ryuko: I knew it! That bastard was trying really hard to kill Senketsu.

Y/N: And he was just lucky I intervened. Because if I didn't, I would've toss that son of a bitch around like a goddamn ragdoll, snap his spine like a fucking twig, and shove my foot so far up his ass it would knock his teeth right out!

The Devil went down to Honnouji Academy: OP! M!Reader x Kill La KillDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora