Do or Die

820 15 9

(Y/N) or Y/N: Your Name

(F/N): First Name

(L/N): Last Name

Italic: Thoughts

Bold: Locations


Italic underlined: Flashback

Bold Italic: Telepathic communication


Honnou City

Many COVERS were either roaming around when suddenly a cable car crashed into the ground. The COVERS went to investigate, only for Ryuko to emerge from the cable car, riding on a motorbike.

Ryuko: Eat rubber, freak!

Ryuko then used her scissor blade to slice and dice the many COVERS that came her way. She then looks to Honnouji Academy, a look of determination plastered on her face.

Ryuko: Better get ready Ragyo! I'm gonna kick your ass and get Y/N back.

A bunch of more COVERS made their way towards Ryuko, and she was ready for them.

Ryuko: Hmpf! Bring it! Your asses are grass, and I'm the lawnmower!




One Star District of Honnoun City

Satsuki traversing to Honnouji Academy, aided by Tsumugu, Gamagoori, Sanageyama and Jakuzure. They managed to keep themselves well hidden from any COVERS as they made their way towards Honnouji Academy. Jakuzure had both Durandal pistols strapped to her side, Sanageyama wielded the Kinetic Scalpel, Gamagoori had the cylinder device Iori made earlier, Tsumugu had his Sewing machine-gun, and Sastuki was armed with nothing but Y/N's gloves.

As they trekked, Satsuki noticed Ryuketsu was still incredibly worried about Y/N. To be honest, she couldn't blame him. Suddenly, a series of explosions were heard from a distance. It didn't take them long enough to figure out the cause.

Gamagoori: It appears Matoi has made her entrance.

Satsuki: Then we better hurry.


Honnouji Academy's entrance

As Ryuko sliced through waves of COVERS, she made her way to Honnouji Academy.

Ryuko: Is that really all you got?

Nui: Quite cocky, aren't we?

Ryuko turns to see Nui a few feet away from her location.

Ryuko: Harime.

Nui: As wild as ever, Ryuko. I wouldn't expect anything less.

Ryuko: Just tell me where Y/N is, and I might make your death quick and painless.

Nui: Why don't you make me.

Suddenly, Nui lunges at Ryuko, her scissor blade ready to strike. Ryuko managed to evade, but the motorbike was trashed in the process. Ryuko then notices a bunch of COVERS surrounding her.

The Devil went down to Honnouji Academy: OP! M!Reader x Kill La KillWhere stories live. Discover now