Final Preparations

949 12 9

(Y/N) or Y/N: Your Name

(F/N): First Name

(L/N): Last Name

M/N: Mother's name

F/N: Father's name

Italic: Thoughts

Bold: Locations


Italic underlined: Flashback

Bold Italic: Telepathic communication


On the Naked Sol, Junketsu was encased in a glass container, badly torn up thanks to Ryuko breaking free from Ragyo's control earlier.

Satsuki stood before the badly conditioned Kamui with Iori and Tusmugu. Satsuki thougt it would be best to keep Junketsu restrained.

Y/N: Wouldn't it be best to have that thing purged?

Sastuki turns to look and see Y/N and Ryuko.

Satsuki: No. The fight isn't over yet.

Ryuko: You think you can control it?

Satauki: Yes, as a matter of fact I do.

Ryuko: Yeah. Good luck with that. You couldn't even think with Senketsu.

Senketsu: Stop harassing her, Ryuko. Remember, she risked her life to save you.

Ryuko: So what if she did? You think I'm just forget about the attitude she's been giving me and Y/N?

Ryuketsu: Should we intervene?

Y/N: I wouldn't.

Satauki: What do you want?

Ryuko: Let me best you one.

Senketsu: Stop it, Ryuko.

Ryuketsu: I'd listen to him if....

Y/N: You'd best butt out, dude.

Ryuketsu: Y/N...

Ryuko: If I lunch you with everything I got and can't knock you down, I'll know you've got what it takes to fight along side me.

Aikuro: God, that's the craziest thing I ever heard. She's wearing a coat and...

Y/N: Aikuro, better stay out of it man.

Aikuro and the others, sans Ryuko, looked to him like he was crazy.

Tsunugu: You mean you're going along with this?

Aikuro: You do realize is that all it takes is for one lucky to kill Satsuki!

Y/N: I've got a feeling that it's not going to come to that.

Satsuki then turns around to Ryuko.

Satauki: Very well. Do it. We face Ragyo Kiryuin. And if I fall to you, then I have no chance at beating her. Go on, hit me.

Ryuketsu: Dude, we should intervene!

Y/N said nothing as Ryuko went to strike, only for Ira to take the hit for Satsuki. And strangely enough.

Ryuko: Gamagoori, this is between me and her!

Ryuko then went to punch Satsuki again, but Sanageyama took the hit like Gamagoori did.

Ryuko: My God! What's with you people?

Ira and Uzu stood up, surprisingly still alive.

Ira: Is that the best you can do, Matoi?

The Devil went down to Honnouji Academy: OP! M!Reader x Kill La KillWhere stories live. Discover now