Now you see me, now you don't!

810 17 6

(Y/N) or Y/N: Your Name

(F/N): First Name

(L/N): Last Name

Italic: Thoughts

Bold: Locations


Italic underlined: Flashback

Bold Italic: Telepathic communication

Underlined: Video/audio


Y/N, Ryuko and Inumuta were staring each other down.

Ryuko: So, you think you can last against us, four-eyes.

Inumuta: Only one way to find out.

Y/N: I woulnd't underestimate him, Ryuko. Gamagoori may have been a hassle to face, but the brainy ones are more tough than the brawny ones.

Inumuta: Quite perceptive, aren't you?

Y/N: Yep. I've face some pretty intelligent enemies before. And I take that Satsuki recuited for your brains?

Inumuta: Pretty much.


Three years ago

Inumuta is seen, typing on a laptop. What was he doing, well, hacking into the REVOCs Corporation mainframe of course.

Inumuta: The REVOCs Corporation's responsible for 70% of global apparent sales. Hmm. I'm impressed.

Inumuta continued to do his dirty work, and his interest rose when he saw that the copany he was hacking into as apart of the Kiryuin Conglomerate.

Inumuta: Unfortunately, this super-hacker is about to alter the company's destiny.

Then, with a click of button, the stocks of REVOCs began to plumet, much to Inumuta's enjoyment. But then an alert appeared on his laptop.

Inumuta: Crap! They're tracking me!

Soon enough, a bunch of men in suits appeared at Inumuta's location. Fortunately Inumuta made a quick get away before they could apprehend him. As he ran, sirens began to go off, signalling the aythorities were hounding him.

Inumuta: How'd they pinpoint my location so quickly!?

Suddenly, a bunch more suited men appeared in front of Inumuta, their guns ready should he try to do something funny. One fired, the bullet caused a dent on Inumuta's laptop. Seeing no way out, he surrenders.

Then, someone approaches to Inumuta. Who was is, Satsuki Kiryuin of course. Inumuta was surprised upon seeing Satsuki Kiryuin.

Satsuki: The REVOCs Site has the tightest security on the planet. And yet, somehow, you managed to crack it. You might be young, but you are most certainly not dumb.

Satsuki then waves her hand, causing the suited men to stand down.

Inumuta: Wait. You're the boss.

Satsuki: Tell me why you did this?

Inumuta: Are you kidding? It was a chance to crack the toughest firewall on the net.

The Devil went down to Honnouji Academy: OP! M!Reader x Kill La KillWhere stories live. Discover now