Chapter 2 - Unexpected Friends

Depuis le début

Lastly I re-wrap my burned forearm, staring intently at the inked images and branded letter. I suck in one deep breath and turn to open the door. Rummaging through my bags for fresh clothes felt like an eternity, even though it was only a few minutes. After throwing on a black t-shirt and grey shorts, I climb into bed. The second my head hit the pillow, I knocked out and entered a deep slumber as exhaustion took over.

Dream State

I wake up and look around, but only blackness surrounds me. I thought I was alone but then I heard a voice, no multiple voices, echoing around me.

"(Y/N) why did you betray us? I thought you wanted to be one of us?" The voices sound distorted, almost as if they were coming towards me as close as possible, but also fading out as well. I look around to where the voices are coming from, but I'm only met with a blank void. Then their faces appeared. Bloodied, grotesque corpses of what once was my family start to reach out to me.

"LEAVE ME ALONE," I shouted. I try running away but their hands slowly take hold of me, dragging me deeper into the abyss.

End Dream State

I shoot up wide-eyed and awake, drenched in sweat. I lean forward with my head in my hands, feeling the emotions from earlier creep up on me. No, you can't keep crying forever, you're a (L/N) for Christ sake, you're really gonna cave already?

But this is different, I have no one to turn to. Everyone I could trust is either dead or would kill me if they found out I was alive.

I feel like I have two sides of me fighting inside my head: the cold, hearted, determined warrior that never accepted defeat versus the loving, caring angel that just wanted peace.

I groan while standing up and practically blind myself with sunlight when I open the curtain. Any overcast and rain clouds that filled the sky yesterday are now gone. I take this change in weather as a sign that the path I'm on is the right one. After searching through my bags, I decide to wear a grey long-sleeved shirt, black, well-fitted jeans, and a long navy blue overcoat with a hood. Even though it was sunny out, the air is starting to cool off as winter is only a couple months away. I strap on my tall, black boots and head to the bathroom to freshen up.

I gather all my belonging and double check the room to make sure I didn't leave anything behind. Breakfast was what I expected: stale bread with jam, watered down coffee, an apple, and scrambled eggs. I didn't realize how hungry I was until after I finished eating, my stomach still growling.

I was happy to see how well the stable boys took care of Copenhagen, his stark white mane was fully brushed, and his dark brown coat littered with white spots shone in the sun. I thanked them and tipped them each another coin, I was feeling generous today.

Copenhagen and I trot down to the market, both eager to eat more food. I make sure to stay by my horse at all times, afraid someone would try to steal him or my bags. After about an hour of browsing I bought some apples, carrots, bread, canned fruit, canned vegetables, and beef jerkey. I also bought a new set of clothes and some basic toiletries.

As I was heading to find a doctor to fill up on medical supplies, a muffled scream coming from an alley way peaked my attention. I quickly snap my head in the direction, and make my way over to the ruckus. Peaking my head around the corner I see four well-built guys harassing a long, black haired woman.

"Oh come on Carla, you know you want some of this," the tallest one said while grabbing his, area.

"Stop being a bitch, were just trying to have some fun."

"You know the more you struggle the worse it's going to get for you."

Carla starts crying and tries to scream, but one of them kept a hand over her mouth. Clearing my throat loudly to get their attention, I walk up. The tallest turns to me, "What do you want pretty lady, trying to join us?" The others smirks at each other and laugh.

Rough Edges (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant