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Carter's POV

"Come on Zym, Try to catch me!" I Shouthed playfully at him. Zym's full name is Azymondias, the dragon prince. Well actually the dragon king now since he is old enough to be king, but he still likes to play. While he was trying to get me he stopped and started to growl.

 "He boy, what wrong?" I asked. He always growl when there is danger. I look around and see my parents coming.

 "What's wrong?" I ask. "Something is attacking, we don't know what it is but it seem it's coming out of space." My dad tells me. My dad's name is Callum he is the first human who is a dragon gaurd.

 My mom Rayla is a whole other story, my grand parents are dead because of a dark mage and every one, including my mom, tougth they run away with all the other dragon guards. "Carter, we need to go, you are staying here to protect Zym." My mom said.

 I was shocked, for some reason I couldn't explain I really wanted to figt those things. "No, I'm going to fight those things and you can't stop me." I said, and with that I storm outside.

 "Carter Harrow Callumson, get back here inside!" My mom yells after me. I don't stop. When I'm outside I let myself fall in the air. "Mentus Pluma Folentus" I wishper. 

It's one of the hardest sky spells I can do since only a fes sky mages can do it. I land on the ground and my wings dissapear. I run forward and start attacking. My dad lands after me and helps while he yells at me "You can't just run away carter, we don't know what they want and we want to protect you!" 

That got me off guard. Something hit me in my arm and I cry out in pain. "Carter!" My dad yells. I feel something was grabbing me and pulling me away from the fight.

"No, let him go" I hear some one yell and then I black out.


I woke up in a cell. wich was odd, because it looks like a cell I never seen before. I've been in a cell before, only to look at it. See, my uncle is a king, sometimes we go to him in the castle and one time he took me on a tour trough the dungeons. That's the only time i've seen a cell. A door slided open and I could only look at awe at it because we don't have such things. "-the black lion?" I shot my head back at where the question came from. "I'm sorry I didn't heaar you, can you say it again?" I asked.

"Where is the black lion?" The woman asked. She looked really old with glowing yellow eyes. "what is a lion? We don't have those thing on my planet." I asked.

It looks like she was growling, but it could also be sighing because of her raggy voice. She does  some weird magic thing that show a black, white, yellow, red, metallic, flying thing. "This is the black lion, do you know where it is?" She said

I look up to her again and shake my head. "No, i don't know where it is and I still don't exatcly know what it is." I answer

She looked really angry and she raised a hand to slab me, probably really hard. Then she reallised someting and turned around and she left the room.


I woke up to the sound of a door swooshing open. I didn't knew I fell asleep. I looked up to see the person who was coming. This time it was a he, he looked nervous like someone would caught him. 

"My name is Royvic, I'm a spy for the Blade of Marmora. Can you come with me, I am going to help you escape." The man, Royvic said. I nodded. I tried to stand up but I felt dizzy from the lack of food and water.

"Steady there, here have some food." Royvic said. I took the food and started eating. It wan't te best thing I ever ate beceause hé jelly tarts are the best thing in your life, but I could eat it. After it I stand up and this time I didn't fell dizzy.

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