I looked to Bucky and he was complete focused and stolid. I was worried, but now was no time to let myself get caught slacking. I just stood firmly and focused on shooting those bastards down. They were slowly getting closer to us as more and more got through but thousands were still yet to come in.

"They're trying to go around to find a way in!" A woman from behind us said speaking up. "If they get behind us there's nothing between them and Vision."

"We can't let that happen." T'Challa said.

"What are we going to do?" The woman asked.

I kept shooting trying to not lessen my focus, but I finally looked when he didn't answer. We had all now been looking to him and he was clearly unsure of that to do. I exchanged quick eye contact with Bucky before he answered.

"We let them in." He said finally.

"Are you insane?" Bucky asked with an almost angry expression.

"Open gate 17." He said watching Bucky with a careful eye as he held up his wrist to his mouth. A quiet moment passed as we all looked at him like he was crazy. "Yes, do it."

I kept firing off my gun trying to take out as many as possible. He was absolutely insane for doing this. I get what he was thinking, but this wasn't going to be a good idea.

"If they want in, we'll give them a way in." He said.

My eyes trained to Bucky and he looked angry.

"I'm going to need another mag." He said shaking his head.

The gate opened and they flooded in exactly like I thought they would. We pushed forward to really try and push back this wave of animals, but I knew we were vastly out numbered. I wasn't confident, but then again this would be a quite humbling experience if I made it out alive.

We had started to get overwhelmed by the number of these creatures. Bucky and I had stayed shoulder to shoulder and it worked out nicely. He was right handed and I was left handed so we didn't have any issues. I could here his curses every time he'd miss and I know he was getting worried.

One creature managed to slip through our lines and came flying at us. I came at me and I hit the ground and flipped over shooting it as it landed behind me. It went limp after a few shots and I had Bucky's arm literally wrap around my waist and just about threw me to my feet. I was shocked when I looked to him and and I could see his hand come to my cheek.

"You okay?" He asked me yelling over the loud yelling and weapon fire.

I saw another creature get close to us and my hand literally came around his neck and threw him to the side. I held up my gun and unloaded my gun into the creature and barley made it out of the way before it firmly hit the ground. I looked to Bucky and helped him up back to his feet. He stopped and looked at me for a moment nearly in shock.

"That hurt." He said almost sounding surprised.

"I just saved your life!" I said shaking my head.

"Still!" He said firmly.

"Are we arguing about this right now?" I asked because he was being unbelievable.

"Is this our first argument?" He asked in a sarcastic voice.

"Not our first, but maybe our last if you don't start shooting." I said shoving his shoulder so he'd turn around. We started pushing forward again shoulder to shoulder. "God, you're ridiculous."

"All yours sweetheart." He said I just shook my head.

We were on the verge of being overrun and I was breathing heavily. I had to take out several of those monsters or whatever they were with my gun and even my hands. I could hear everyone around us struggling and I saw something up in the sky, but it wasn't until I saw a giant flash of lighting did I realize who it was.

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