She Never Listens

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Bianca's POV

His building was breathtaking. Everything was supper modern and clean and everyone coming in and out looked rich. How could he afford this place? I think he noticed my shocked expression because I heard him grunt a bit. "Come back to reality!" He said snapping his fingers in my face. I gave him an unamused look back. 

The elevator ride was awkward and it felt like we were in their for hours. He had pressed the button to the 50th floor, the top floor. Hearing the ding of the elevator was a relief and we stepped into an amazing apartment. Everything was so modern and masculine. "You like it?" he asked me. "Yeah, can you just show me to my room I'm kinda tired." I was tired but I really just couldn't keep my tears back anymore. "Of course, follow me." 

He lead me to a guest room and it was just as perfect as every other room. "My men are bringing your things in now, they will be here in a few minutes." He stated. "Ok, thanks." I said while closing the door. The tears fell down my face and I fell on the bed, how am I going to live without my mom, she was the only family I had left. My eyes started to close as I let sleep consume me.

Giancarlo's POV

"Ok, thanks" she said while closing the door. I went to my office to answer some e-mails and texts. Sam informed me that the man I tortured today had a tattoo of a snake on his back which means he was apart of the Spanish Mafia. My suspicions were right, he was with Daniel. The ding from the elevator got my attention. "Sir, we have the bags you asked us to bring up." Peter stated while placing them down. "Ok, you may leave now." He nodded and went back to the elevator.

"Bianca your things are here." I stated while lightly knocking on the door. She didn't answer. "Bianca?" I opened the door slowly and see her laying on the bed so peacefully. The pillow case was damp telling me she had been crying. I left her bags by the door and left back to my office. 

There was one thing that I wasn't telling her. Her mother looked to be quite young to have died of natural causes. I knew she was paralyzed but that doesn't kill someone suddenly, so my suspicions got the best of me. I had some people do an autopsy to see if she was killed, and it turns out she was suffocated and that time of death was last night. I don't know how I'm going to tell her.   


"Oh shit, I have to get to school." I heard Bianca yell from her room. I could hear her running around trying to get ready. She walked out of her room and started walking towards the elevator. "Bianca, I think you should stay home today." I said as I blocked the door. "No I have to go. I have an exam today and I need to pass, I can't just not go. My future literally depends on this test." As she finished her phone rang. "Hey Sof---Yeah the big building---I'm coming right now." She hung up the phone. 

"If you would move I have to go." She looked at me with raised eyebrows. "No, I think it's best if you stay here." She pushed passed me ignoring everything I said walked into the elevator. Before it closed I stuck my arm in between the door. "Why do you have to be so controlling?" She snapped at me. 

If it was anyone else talking to me like that I would have killed them on the spot, but there is something about her thats stopping me. "Bella (beautiful), you should watch your tone." She gave me an unamused look and quickly got out of the elevator as we reached the main floor. 

I followed behind her through the front doors and let me tell you, for such a small girl she sure does walk fast when she's mad. A girl in a white BMW was waiting for her and when we saw each other our faces dropped. She's friends with my cousin?!

"Umm who are you? What are you doing with Bianca!" Sofia yelled from inside the car pretending like we didn't know each other. Suddenly Bianca pushed me out of the way and began running to the car. I grabbed her arm to stop her. "Bianca, you're not in the right mind to go write that test, your mother just died. I'll call the school and give you another test date."

"Look I don't know who you think you are but you can't just ask for another day, they don't care whats going on in your life, if you don't show up that day you fail." She snapped at me pulling her arm out of my hand. She walked to the car slamming the door shut and they drove off. So, I quickly made a phone call.


"Hi, this is Giancarlo Bartolo,"

"Oh hi sir. How may I help you?"

"There is a student named Bianca Romano and she has a very important exam today, someone very close to her passed away this morning, so she will not complete it today."

"Of course sir. Does next week work?"

"Yes. Now, she has left the house despite me telling her not to because she doesn't want to fail. Her teacher will not give her that test today and if I find out he has I will come there and you will have to deal with me. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir, very. Have a nice day."

She want's to be difficult, then so will I.

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