I've Been There

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Hey everyone I had no idea which one shot book to put this in, but since it's more on Ethan I decided to put it here I also gave up on a title so sorry if it's horrible. Anyways thanks Descendantsfan03 for the request and letting me use Little Mal it means a lot. Anyways I really hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment 💖

Update sorry I put it in the wrong book lol

I no wan to be poked!" Mal cries out as Georgie sighs she could tell that Mal didn't understand why she was getting poked by the tiny needle all the time, and she really did feel bad, but she needed to test her sugar. She knew Pumpkin and Mira were really good at telling her if it's high or low, but she needs to know exactly how high or low it was.

"I know Mal, I know, but I need to check your blood sugar." Georgie says quietly before getting an idea, "Nathan can you come in here for a minute please!" Georgie could hear Nathan groan, but he also walked in. 

"Yes Miss Georgie?" Nathan asks in confusion as the young boy was having fun with his friends because his mom needed  to work extra today. Usually Miss Georgie left him alone unless it was time to check his blood sugar, and he knew it wasn't.  That wasn't until another hour or so. 

"Can you help me show Mal that taking blood sugar isn't scary?" Georgie asked the kid who sighs but nods. He really didn't want to lower his blood sugar, but he knew how scary it was when he first got diabetes to have to be poked every few hours. He had gotten used to it by now but Mal was four and having to do it.

"It's okay Mal look." Nathan says as he gives one of his hands to Georgie who quickly takes it. Nathan just smiles when his babysitter gives him a small pack of gummies from her stash. He knew it meant his blood sugar was a bit low but he still enjoyed that he got the sweet treat that he loved so much before he had to watch what he ate.

"You get gummies?" Mal yells out excitedly as Nathan and Georgie nod. Nathan knew that if Mal's sugar was low she may get some to, but if it was high she wouldn't.  But Georgie always had sticker around, maybe Mal would like one of those. 

"Yeah you can get a sticker too! I have so many stickers you should see my collection of superhero ones! They are so awesome." Nathan says enthusiastically. Trying to get Mal to see the bright side of getting poked. Mal's eyes just light up.

"Aw there dragon stickers?" Mal asks keeping her focus on Nathan. Georgie just took the opportunity of the distracted girl to get her blood sugar. Which made Mal cry. "Owie you huwt me!" Mal says looking at Georgie as she didn't expect Miss Georgie to poke her Georgie just sighs.

"I'm sorry Mal but I had to do it, and yes we do have dragon stickers. Here you can pick one out." Georgie says placing the sticker sheets down. She hated being the bad guy but thankfully Mal's sugar seemed fine and now she could have one of the stickers that Georgie always had around, because of Nathan, and some of the other kids she worked with. Mal just lit up again as she saw the stickers.

"Yay, cwan I have two?" Mal asks as Georgie just nods as she usually only let Nathan and the other children take one, but if it made Mal feel better she could have two. She had to buy some more anyways.

"Yes, of course!" Georgie says as Mal smiles taking the two sparkly purple dragon stickers and running to the playroom with Nathan. "Hey Nathan, thanks for the help." Georgie says with a small smile Nathan just returns it.

"No problem, I remember when I was getting use to it. I didn't like it either." Nathan says before running to the playroom where Mal and Elena were at seeing Mal talking to Elena. 

"Elena, why I get poked evwy few hours?I don't wike it" Mal says as Elena shrugs she knew what diabetes was, but she didn't have it or understand very well. She knew Nathan and Miss Georgie knew way more about it. 

"I don't know Mal, why don't you ask Nathan or Miss Georgie they know why." Elena says as Mal nods, running over to Nathan who had just walked into the room. Nathan just looks at the small girl in confusion as he had just come into the room and Mal was literally right in front of them. Which was  strange since Mal always hung out with Elena.

"Nate, why I get poked, I no wike it. It huwts isn't Miss Georgie a meanie?" Mal asks as Nathan just quickly processes the question before sitting down on the twin bed. He knew Mal was confused and thought Miss Georgie was mean for doing it, but it was something that had to be done. 

"I know it hurts Mal and no Georgie's not mean. We have something called diabetes. They need to poke us so we don't get sick and to make sure our sugar is okay. To keep us out of the hospital. You don't want to go back there do you?"  Nathan asks as Mal shook her head no. 

"No, but I don't wike it, it huwts.'' Mal says as Nathan nods in understanding. As be understood it did hurt at first but it still hurt sometimes. He knew Mal didn't like it, but maybe she would understand it better someday.

"I know Mal, but you'll get used to it. I know what you're going through. I used to feel the same way when I first got diabetes. But it will get better once everyone knows what they're doing. I promise." Nathan says as Mal nods at Nathan. 

"You sure?" Mal questions as Nathan nods grabbing his folder of sticker that he had gotten from Miss Georgie. Showing them to Mal. Who looked at all of the stickers. "Wow you got all those!" Mal asks as Nathan nods.

"Yeah Georgie gives me one each time she checks my blood sugar. It so much fun to collect them one day you could have as many as me." Nathan says excitedly before looking to Elena. Come on Mal let's go play, Superhero and Dragon!" He says as Mal nods following him over to Elena. Before they started l playing

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