“Can’t two friends simply catch up my dear Jonathan?” He smiled nervously over his shoulder, immediately going back to arranging the dolls. I still stood by the door, unsure of how things would play out and wanting to keep my escape close.

“Not with you Jervis.” Jonathan chuckled. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“I had wanted to know where Majesty disappeared too.” The hatter shrugged, looking over my way. “But since you’ve brought her with you the conversation is void. I would, however, like to inquire as to why you’re smiling.” I stood there for a few seconds, not registering he was talking to me.

“Me? Oh, well,” I sighed, trying to think. “I don’t quite know.” I grinned wider. “I’ve decided to smile more often; life’s short and unpredictable.” The words flew out of my mouth before I could really think of them. He nodded, pleased with my answer and the placement of his dolls.

“I do believe it’s time for tea then.” He clapped his hands together, scurrying toward the back doorway.

“What happened to make you realize life was short?” Johnny raised an eyebrow at my still smiling figure. I frowned slightly, thinking of the blurry fight.

“Ra’s did.” I mumbled to the ground. “I was dying Jonathan, my body couldn’t process the toxin anymore and I was dying.” I whispered, looking back up to see him frowning.

“You must know… I didn’t… didn’t mean for that to happen.” He had to clear his throat a few times, never moving from his spot across the room.

“I know Johnny, you just needed to sedate me at the party so I could be kidnapped.” I, for whatever reason, continued smiling. He rolled his eyes and sighed, giving me a look of amusement.

“When you put it like that I sound downright terrible.” He smirked over at me.

“It’s not like you pushed me into the Lazarus Pit,” I pointed out, oblivious to the look of horror on his face. “That was downright terrible.” Finally, John stood up and walked over and knelt down, grabbing my shoulders.

“Katrina,” He stared into my eyes, sending chills down my spine. “Who pushed you into the Lazarus Pit?”

“Ra’s.” I answered easily. His grip tightened and his eyes started to search for something on my face. “Johnny? You’re kinda hurting me now.” I whispered, his grip loosening the slightest.

“You died.” He muttered to himself.

“No,” I shook my head. “We were fighting and I was alive when I fell in.” John just stared at me in awe, things were working in his head; I could see it in his eyes.

“Crane! What are you doing?” Jervis shrieked, causing me to jump in John’s grasp. “What will Dorothy think?”

“Um Jervis, Dorothy and I aren’t… It didn’t work out.” Jonathan said stonily. Jervis was already pouring the tea and didn’t really respond.

A Demon's Drink {Book Three-Kat}Where stories live. Discover now