The other world Shi turned to dust at that moment

"Shi-kun!" He heard Momoe yell as he felt a pair of arms wrap around himself.

"Hi, Momoe" he stood up

"Acca warned us. Now is the time, the threat arrived sooner then they expected" Ai told him.

Shi took notice of Rika who stood there with Mannen. He felt a bad feeling in his gut like something was wrong.

"Put him away, Rika"

"Why? We'll need the support"

"Put. Him. Away. Now"

"Why are you sayin-"

"Listen to me, Put him away!He isn't safe here!"

"He's strong and he can fight!"

"NOW!" Shi shouted as he kicked Mannens nose and pushed the tortoise before a giant steel ball whipped Shi straight into the tree line.

Shi was resilient and got up easy but now he had a gap to close with an extremely powerful threat.

"RUN!" He shouted out. "JUST RUN!" He shouted once more as he continued running. He had never run this fast and hard before and the adrenaline made him feel nothing

He made it back, the girls were gone but he felt something was near. His suspicions were confirmed when a hand firmly and near lethal grabbed the back of his neck.

"Ah!..Bitch!" The grip slowly had him losing his strength, his legs weakening.

"Frill says we should deal with you first, Frill says your too strong, Dot doesn't want to let Frill down", the entity says before laughing

"!?" He shouts

"Frill says when you laugh it makes people happy!" Dot tells him

"I've got people to make me happy and if you want to take them from me then you can go to hell!" He shouts as he breaks her grip and grabs Dot back by the neck.

"Let go of Dot!"

Shi slams Dot to the ground choking her.

"You aren't laughing now are you? ARE YOU?" It was as if Shi had lost his mind, however it may have been the adrenaline and rage. "Go on, Does Shi have to let out a cruel chuckle for you?"

Shi ripped the wing-like limbs off the had of the enemy and ripped the insectoid head off before, Shi got up and began searching for the group "Ai!, Momoe! Rika!".

He walked down the hill through the trees and through the park that laid past them.

"Over here" He heard Ai responded as they found him.

"Are you guys alright?" He took notice of Momoe's absence immediately, "Where's is she?"

"We aren't sure" Rika said to him

"I'm gonna search for her, are you guys coming?" He asked

"Of course!" Ai said as her and Rika as the group went to find her.

Before long they found her, Momoe was speaking with it, another one of those beings, similar to Dot, however with tan wings on its head and with a boomerang like blade.

"Tell me, where are your friends. I want what they have"

"You won't get anything from them!" Momoe shouted back

"Anything but the worst pain of your fucking life!" Shi screamed as he charged towards it. He propelled himself off of a tree with a kick to send himself towards it in the air.

He grabbed Kirara and pull her down from the air and into the ground, however this takedown was short-lived as Kirara kicked Shi off of her.

"Ah, Your stronger than the last one I killed. I ripped her godamn head apart. I loved every second of it." Shi said with a malicious grin on his face

"No, you couldn't have!" Kirara said taken a back

"Its gonna take more than some bug head bitch to take me down"

Kirara launched her boomerang blade towards which he evaded

"I said what I meant, and meant what I said" he charged yet again to attack with his weapon. However, the baton shattered against her, "You don't realize that you've made things more painful do you?" He wrangled her down to which she her boomerang blade returned slicing Shi's back

"Ah!" It hurt him but he kept her down.

While Kirara was pinned Momoe took the boomerang blade from her.

"Good thinking!" Shi shouted as he finished off Kirara by ripping off the head. "I hate this! Why couldn't we deal with normal enemies."

In the blink of an eye, Shi and the group were moved back to the hill they started at before being met with Acca and Ura-Acca.

"We have a plan, to end all of this" Acca says

To be continued.

HOLY SHIT! My brain is just fried. I have so many concepts but I chose one. I'm going to give some forewarning. It will be depressing and really REALLY messed up.

A Boy With A Priority, A Wonder Egg Priority FanStoryWhere stories live. Discover now