"Who knows, maybe Suna and Mio do have a little fling going on?" Atsumu shrugged. "I wouldn't be surprised-"

There was silence in the gym except for the noise of Suna's fist hitting Atsumu's jaw.

He was pushed back a little, but Atsumu just held on and looked at Suna in disbelief.


"Don't bad talk on me when you don't know the whole story" Suna warned.

The team members started whispering to each other, and the 3rd year Libero, Akagi Michinari, stepped up.

"Calm down, school is starting in about 15 minutes" He said.

Suna sighed, not wanting to upset his upper classman, and left out to the club room to get changed.

Everyone let out their breaths they were holding in and went to change as well.

Usually, the fights would only consist of Atsumu and Osamu. No one minded though since, after all, they were twin brothers.

But since it was Suna and Atsumu, things were unsettling. Especially because Suna was involved, as he never cared about anyone's opinions much and if they did, he'd keep it to himself or mutter it under his breath.

Osamu, Atsumu, and Suna all walked their usual walk together since they were in the same year. Osamu had to be in the middle to keep things calm, though.

Atsumu then smirked, resting both hands on his head as he walked.

"Or maybe, even I can take your spot and be Y/n's boyfriend"

"What about Yuki, huh? Wouldn't that make you as bad as me?" Suna asked. "Idiot-"

Atsumu then managed to get past Osamu and get a hit in on Suna, punching his left cheek.

Suna then held his face as the pain sent shivers down his spine. He narrowed his eyes and threw another punch at Atsumu, he missed though.

Atsumu laughed and punched Suna in the stomach, making him drop to the floor.

"Who's the idiot now? Don't even bring up Yuki's name in this" Atsumu stared coldly at the blocker.

Osamu rolled his eyes. "You both are idiots. Come on, let's get to-"

"Shut your mouth, Atsumu!" Suna shouted, managing to kick Atsumu's shin, making him fall to the ground as well.

Now, people started looking over and crowding around. Of course they would, it was the school's star volleyball player fighting with one of his fellow teammates. Wasn't there supposed to be an unbreakable bond between them? Especially after almost two years? No, there wasn't even a bond in the first place. Only a sense that led them to not be at each other's throats because they wanted to win.

Atsumu shook his head, and gripped onto Suna's shirt with both hands.

"Why should I? I'm just trying to protect a friend from an awful guy like you! You haven't changed at all!" Atsumu shouted, almost fully on top of Suna, having him pinned to the ground.

He then punched his face. This went on for about two more times, the last time causing blood to come out of Suna's lip.

"You wouldn't-"

"Yes I would, Suna! You're already bored of her, aren't you? That's why you went on with Mio, eh?"


Atsumu turned to see Osamu grabbing his twin from the collar of his shirt and pulling him off Suna. He then held a hand out for Suna to grab, but he got up himself.

"Teammates, remember that." Osamu said, before leaving the two of them.

Suna then scoffed and followed close behind. "Don't put words into my mouth."

Atsumu brushed the dirt from the pavement off of him and walked off an opposite way. It was a longer way to get to the shoe lockers, but it was a way Suna Rintarō wasn't going.

Once Suna got away from the crowd, he rushed to get his indoor shoes on and then went to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and touched his lip, looking at the blood on his fingers.

He groaned and grabbed some paper towels from the dispenser and ran it under some water, then to clean the cut. As soon as there wasn't as much blood coming out, he made himself a little more presentable and walked out of the bathroom, only to be met with your eyes.

You stared absentminded at him, and looked him up and down. What had happened?

"Rin... what's going on? Who did this?" You asked, walking up to him and feeling his lip where the cut was.

He flinched a little at the sting and shook his head. "Don't worry about it."

"No, don't hide it from me. Who did this?"

"Atsumu." He deadpanned. "Satisfied with the answer? You don't need to know why we fought, I'm sure he'll tell you. He might butcher the story though, so ask Osamu instead."

"Why won't you tell me what happened?"

Suna stared at the floor and just walked to class.

"Hey! Rin, wait!" You called, running to catch up with him. "I won't stop bugging you until you tell me. Why did you guys fought, you're teammates."

"It was about you" He said, quietly. "I... We were talking about why you were mad at me and what I did. Atsumu then stated the obvious, and I already want to slap him every second, so I called him a fuck boy. One thing led to another and he said I wasn't good enough for you. After we changed clothes, things got more messy and we ended up fighting a little, that's all. Then he said I've been getting bored just like with my last girlfriend and that's why I went with Mio, which is completely false."

He made sure he left out some parts like Atsumu saying you should be with Osamu or even him, but didn't want your opinions to change about him. Just because Suna didn't like him doesn't mean you shouldn't either.

You stared at him, a little sad. "Ah.. I really hope you're not getting bored. I still like you after all... and I'm sorry for overreacting yesterday, too. It was just a friendly hangout"

You still were just as mad about it, but didn't want to fight. You hated it. It was stressful after all.

"Um... we should get to class" Suna said, quickly changing the topic.

You looked at him a little surprised that he didn't disagree and say it was his fault.

"Yeah, right.." You said. "Let's go then."

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