SHE Discovered

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What I discovered through my supernatural gift in writing is that God wants me to lead people to Him. Too many people won't read the Bible for numerous reasons. I understand, and I cannot be mad at anyone for their reasons of believing (or not believing).

However, that will not stop me from doing God's work. He put us all here for a reason; we must grow through things, and it hurts, but through the transitioning of the seasons there always comes more to smile about.

God's work is good. No matter how bad it looks. He wants us to see how real He is. It's not always pretty. God is unique, just like us, and we experience unique things within ourselves. We internalize perceptions. The problem comes in when we allow ourselves to internalize false perceptions.

The world will give us false perceptions, as false prophets do exist. But who do you believe in? Who can you trust? No one of this world, not even yourself. Not if you don't know who lives in you. You must know yourself fully so that the ugliness and madness of the world does not blind your view in pursuit of becoming the greater good.

In this life we must choose the lesser of evils. Choose to see the beauty, see the good. Even when it's not there, hope for it. Pray for it. Once you have prayed for it, trust in it. Trust in your belief that you are good and you deserve good, so no matter how bad it becomes good is on the other side of it all. 🖤

Sometimes the world becomes dark. At night when it's dark, the moon shines and the stars twinkle. Before our time, the sky was a compass. It was God's promise to His people that they would find their way home in pursuit of discovery.

Through the darkness in traveling the wilderness, wild things come. But God commanded man to work these grounds. He created woman from the rib of man to build a world of genuine joy. We all have free will, for He gave us a world of decisions to choose what is right for us. Follow pursuit. Joy is everlasting, but it can only be found in the all powerful, omnipotent God. 💕

When God created the man, Jesus Christ, he created this man to live and die for our sins. In the end of Christ's life, His people discovered that THIS man had a spirit that has risen. So it is said God created Christ to suffer and endure every hurt that exist of the world, following the pursuit God gave Him. And in the end, His spirit rose to no longer suffer the madness of the world. God called His soul to rest at home, to work now from a place of peace where there is no chaos, no suffering, sickness & no dying, but eternal living and spiritual harmony.

Jesus Christ saved our lives from sin. If only we could learn to accept that the pain and suffering of the world is inevitable, but believe in God to be the greatest and most powerful to intervene in the evil to make it all good for You, just by your belief in the powers that are not visible to the eyes of the world. It's the sacrifice of believing in the impossible.

"Father thank You for saving me. I ask You for the courage to tell others how good You are and the strength to share Your love."

• the sins of the father set their children teeth on edge... in other words; the traits of the parents can become the tendencies of the children
—> though they may not ever commit the same sins the parents commit doesn't mean they don't struggle with the same sins their parents committed...
• there may be some of us dead physically [emotions, psychological, social] /spiritually [soundness in the heart]
—> * Physically dead— immobile: cannot be moved! can't see, hear or feel!
* spiritually dead — immobile: nothing can move them. cannot see, no vision— cannot hear the sound of the spirit — cannot feel, God could be moving all around them & they don't feel his presence!!

• There are two different crowds; crowd from the community & crowd with Christ!
- which crowd are you with?
> when you're dead, the crowd you're with carries you away.. ⚰️
> so be careful which crowd you allow to carry you— your transportation determines your destination! 🧭🚕

Crowd from Community
- they put the dead away!
- that's the only answer for them— the dead can't see, think, feel, or hear so just put them away!
- believes the community will be better without those who are not thriving in life & therefore must be dead in an area— put them in jails, mental health facilities, nursing homes, etc!
Crowd with Christ
- raises the dead up!
- let's not put them away— the answer isn't incarceration but RESTORATION!
- If it weren't for the crowd with Christ, it could be you incarcerated & put away!
- still not perfect, but is better because of Jesus
- when the crowd with Christ shows up Jesus shows up!! Wherever you go Jesus is with you

1. HE Saw HER🙏🏾❤️
- Luke 7:13
The Lord sees what you're going through, despite the capacity of anyone in your life to understand, he sees the struggle you've faced! Even in the crowd, he sees YOU! 🤞🏾 don't be distracted by the crowd focus your attention on Christ!
2. HE Cared for HER❤️💛
Just because you're in a crisis doesn't mean you're not loved by Christ! He loves you! No matter what mental, psychological or emotional struggle you face— GOD LOVES YOU! He will be there for you through it beginning & end!
3. HE Touched the Coffin ✍🏾💓⚰️
- Luke 7:14🛐
- Jesus is not afraid to get close to what others refuse to..
- Remember what is dead cannot feel, hear or see — so God will touch things around you!
- Could it be all the hell going on around you is God trying to get you to be aware of his touch?
- One touch from Christ will wake the dead & make all the difference in they're life
- Whatever he touches does not remain the same... what he touches changes!!
- There are some things that will knock you down, but you cannot use them as an excuse to not get up! GET UP🗣🗣🗣
- It's okay to get knocked down its inevitable, but you have to take the responsibility of getting yourself up!

I. Maturity
II. Responsibility
III. Spirituality
Until you have reached a level of the three listed above, you cannot call yourself "grown" because you are still growing into those traits. it's not until you achieve a level of maturity, responsibility & spirituality that keeps you SANE & ABLE to LIVE through the ups & downs trusting Christ & not man.

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