I turn my head to see some werewolves crossing through our town along with a few witches. It's rather common to see magical creatures pass by our town to get to the vampire kingdom. It's also common for a few humans to be treated terribly. "Out of my way you pests," a man said as he smacked the basket of food out of a young woman's hands and continued to step on them. I gasped as I saw him laugh with his friends.

"What are you looking at!" one of them said as they glared right at me. My eyes averted to the young woman... if I don't do something she could get hurt. "You Bitch!" one of the men said as she pushed him out of the way as a little boy came running from behind a tree. My eyes widened No!

"Please don't hurt her" I yelled as I ran in front of her. "Please, she pushed you because she was protecting her child look," I said as he and I turned to see her hugging her child protectively. He glared at me as he grabbed my face roughly "Your kind disgusts me what makes you think I won't kill all three of you?" he said as I felt my heartbeats quicken... "Please spare our lives I beg of you... please spare their lives" I whisper as I look to the floor.

Just as he was about to smack me I immediately roughly flinch waiting for impact but luckily, he gets distracted and instantly throws me to the ground "pathetic" he said as they continued walking towards the kingdom. "T-thank you," she said as I helped her pick up the food basket she had dropped. I gave her an apologetic smile.

5 minutes later

I reach my home as it is now dark out; I take in a deep breath of air. I fill my tub with warm water as I soak my body in my special oat rose and cocoanut blend. After some time, I rinse myself off and go to my room where I wear my cozy nightgown. Just as I go to grab my book to read, I hear a knock at my door... who might that be... as I open my door to see who's outside my eyes widen vampire "w-what do y-you want" I stutter out of fear. His eyes glow a shade of blood-red... "From the palace," he says as he hands me a letter. His eyes grow a deep crimson.

Fear... as I go to step back an owl startles me as I turn my head back to the man he had vanished. I quickly went back to the door locking it behind me as if it would protect me from them. Growing up as a human was difficult, especially as an orphan without any family. Seeing the ones, we love being taken and murdered, seeing people become slaves and forced to turn on one another.

I blink away a tear as I try to think happy thoughts. I then remember the vampire man had given me a letter I instantly notice a royal stamp on it that makes me gulp.

Elaine Kendrick

Age 26

Are hereby invited to the royal masquerade.

All Must Attend

I felt pale at the thought of being surrounded by those things and don't get me wrong I will be kind to all creatures and not all creatures are bad but there will be those few who won't hesitate then to hurt me. I turn the card to see the date along when I will be picked up.

I realize how late it is and I let out a long yawn... I should get some sleep I say to myself as I place the card on my nightstand and curl up under my sheets.

The very next morning I woke to a beautiful ray of sunshine as the birds sang outside my window. I fixed my bed and put on my dress and went straight to work. Sweeping the floors as I hum a sweet song that came to me in a dream. I then washed the floors then went to take care of the laundry. Some don't enjoy housework, but I rather enjoy it as it gives me time to imagine sweet and beautiful things. As I hang the laundry to dry, I hear a bell from a bicycle. "Good morning, Elaine," Ben said as he smiled graciously "why, good morning, Ben," I say as I fold the bedsheets into my basket. "My mother wanted me to give this to you, for helping' so much" he blushed as he handed me a jar of milk, eggs and freshly made cream and butter. I gasp as I look at all the ingredients "This is too much I can't take all of this"

"No, no please you've done so much for my family we insist you take it... also mama said not to come back for supper if you didn't take them," he says shyly as he scratches his head. I let out a small chuckle as his face slightly blushes "tell your mum I said thank you so much" I said with all my heart.

I know I could get eggs and milk at the market if I helped any of the townspeople with any work they needed. But cream and butter I felt myself bubble with excitement. As I put the ingredients in my kitchen I gasped as I see it start to rain "My Laundry!" I let out a huff as I saw some teen witches fly past my house and begin to snicker in satisfaction, using their magic to create water drops to ruin our laundry all the time. I make my way back to my home where I begin to make my favourite strawberry cake, I grow my fruits and vegetables just like many if not all the townspeople.

I hum as I read my book waiting for the cake to be ready. As I finish the final touches of the cake, I then hear a knock at the door as I open the door, I see the same vampire who gave me the letter. His blood-red eyes glared daggers at me "What makes you so special to be invited to the royal banquet?" he says as I freeze as he walks around me in circles eyeing me up and down. "You are just a plain human I don't see what beauty you think you have but it's enough to get recognized. I tell you this how about I kill you and save your miserable soul mercifully" he said as he stretches his sharp nails to my face. I just continue to stare at him unable to move a muscle.

He glares at me as I do nothing. "Pathetic, you won't even fight for your own worthless life. Anyway, a gift from the palace... seems as though someone fancy's you... Couldn't see why though, to be frank. I'm quite surprised the beast himself hasn't eaten you living so close to the dark forest" he said as he passed me a box with a black ribbon and picked his nails as he walked away.

I wait a few moments to make sure he's no longer in sight. I let out a breath as I begin to breathe heavily... my eyes widen as I look at the box in horror...

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