Chapter 17

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Lucia POV

Andrew and I walked back to the main church thingy with the altar hand in hand. I sat with Andrew in the back. Some people gave some speeches. During one of the speeches, I saw Damen who was sitting a few rows in front of us whisper something to Artemis and then put an arm around her. I was two seconds away from chanting "ARTIE'S GOT A BOYFRIEND" but restrained myself. She would probably start chanting "LUCIA'S GOT A BOYFRIEND" if I did.

I didn't really want to be around people who wanted to smother me and tell me how much I meant to my friends or whatever. I wanted to go home. I wanted my Scar Poo Poo Head and Ellie Mae back.

We drove to the burial in one of those fancy funeral cars. When we got there we all stood around the giant hole in the ground and they lowered them in. Their graves were right by each other. They used to get into fights a lot, but I know they did care for each other.

Everybody went up to place a flower on it or something, but I didn't wanna go up there. So I didn't. I didn't even know where Artie was. Where did she go? I looked around.

She was holding Damen's hand. HAHA. My ship is sailingggggggggg. But why the heck do we only have cute moments with our crushes when something bad is happening? Like I told Andrew my friends died and then he kissed me. We were at a funeral and Damen put an arm around Artemis. Now we're at a burial for our dead friends and they're holding hands. We have weird lives.

Well, might as well add another cute moment in a traumatic moment to the list. I could tell they both wanted to kiss each other by their flirty little glances they were giving one another.

Soooo, being the amazing friend I am, I'm gonna make them kiss again. I don't wanna be caught using my powers 'cause you know, superhero stuff.

I walked past the red-faced people and hid behind a building. I mind-controlled Damen while Artemis was staring sadly at the coffins. I had him slip his fingers out from being intertwined with hers and he quickly placed his hand on her waist. With the other hand, he cupped her face. And then he kissed her. I mean, Artie didn't pull away. They both seemed into it (hehehe), so I stopped controlling him. He continued kissing her. And she continued kissing him. *Evil laughs in Dartie*

They kissed for longer than I thought they would. By longer I mean an extra 10 seconds after I stopped. When they pulled away, they were both blushing. Like a lot. I was sooo gonna tease Artie about this later.

I snuck back to where Andrew was standing. I giggled.

He looked at me confused.

I laughed more.

"Oh god. What did you do now?" he asked, shaking his head.


"You definitely did something."

"I'm telling you, I didn't do anything," I said, pulling my hands up like I'd just got caught breaking into someone's house. 

He gave me a look and turned back to the caskets. The priest was going on and on about God and prayers or something for what seemed like an eternity. Damen and Artie came over and stood by us at some point. I tried not to laugh.

They were about to lower them into their graves when suddenly the tops of the coffins burst open.

I knew it was Damen. Tell me he did not just raise my friends from their FREAKIN GRAVES.

Elise and Scarlett sat up and looked around. What. The. Heck. They didn't even look real. They weren't the El and Scar I knew before. They were like puppets on strings, with no control and no emotion. Almost like zombies.

I turned to Damen. He was staring blankly at them. What was he thinking? It was like he couldn't see what was happening. Like he didn't know he was doing it. It was like he was under someone else's control...  


I'm kind of sad to say this but, it's the end. Officially. This is the end of our book (and there isn't any monster). I want to give a HUGE thank you to anyone who's reading this and a shoutout to therah_rah for commenting so often. It means the world to me and my fellow authors. We will be continuing this in another book that I haven't come up with a title for yet, so you'll just have to watch for it. I'll make sure to make some sort of announcement when I finally do publish it. One more question before I wrap this up, how did you envision each of the characters? I want to know how you envisioned them, it would help me a lot. Feel free to tell me in the comments. Thank you so much for sticking with me all the way to the end. It means SO MUCH TO ME!! :) 

Until next time,


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