Chapter 3

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Back again with another one. Hope you like it! :)


Artemis POV

Man, this guy was pretty cool, I thought. He just had this aura of power or something. We'd been able to get a better look at the guy because Lucia found some control panel and pushed some buttons to defrost him. He looked about 15 or 16. His hair was about shoulder-length, though I imagine it was because he'd been in the capsule for so long. He was wearing a suit and tie, and I kinda felt bad. Like, who knows how long this guy has been in here?

"Is anyone else getting Captain America vibes here?" I asked.

"I think you watch too many Marvel movies," said Elise.

"He's kinda cute," said Lucia, her face a shade of deep pink.

"Weirdos," Damen said.

Suddenly, the chamber doors slid apart. The guy fell out of his spot, right into Lucia's arms. Surprised, Lucia dropped him on the floor. Lucia and I immediately bent over to help the man. I felt for a pulse and Lucia slapped him across the face several times.

"Uhhh, where am I?" the guy said groggily. "Who are you guys?"

"We're here to help," I said.

Immediately, alarms started blaring. The lights started flashing. People in Hazmat suits barged in. They grabbed us by the arms and pulled us out of the room.

"We were just trying to help him! Get off of me, you weirdos!" Lucia yelled, kicking at them as they dragged her out.

Mr. Reynolds was standing outside of the door with an extremely scared look on his face. "Why were you five in there?" he asked.

"Damen-" Scarlett started to say, but I cut her off.

"No reason," I said quickly, not wanting Damen to get in trouble. We heard ambulance sirens blaring.

"Why are there ambulances?" Elise asked. "Did someone get hurt?"

"That room is filled with experimental reactors. You could've been exposed to severe amounts of radiation. We called an ambulance, so they can check you guys out," Mr. Reynolds said. The emergency workers came in with several stretchers. Did they think someone actually got hurt? We're perfectly fine.

"Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to lay on the stretcher," one of the doctors said.

"Okay," I said, climbing on the stretcher. I could see Scar, Elise, Lucia, and Damen doing the same thing. They wheeled us out to separate ambulances and put the stretchers inside.

"Can I call my mom?" I asked.

"Sure honey, right after I put on this pulse oximeter." she said as she clipped it on my finger.

I dialed up my mom and she picked up immediately.

"Hey, Mom."

"Hey, sweetheart, the school already called me about what happened. Why did you go in there?"

 "Damen dared us to."

"Damen?!" she yelled. "I knew it!" I heard my brother yell in the background. "Why did you listen to him?" she asked.

"He said he'd give us 20 bucks!"

"AND?! You know that that kid has issues! Why did you listen to him?"

"He was gonna give us 20 bucks, Mom!"

"Is your life really worth only 20 bucks?"

"Mom, I didn't know there was radiation!"

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