Chapter 7

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We had a beginning writer write this so sorry about any grammar mistakes and, yes, Damen has the ability to break the fourth wall (like Deadpool). 


Damen POV

I went to baseball practice thinking it was gonna be a great day.

"Damen, you're up!" the coach yelled.

Well, it's my turn up to bat. I hope I hit the ball hard enough so I can get a home run. YES! I got a home run!

I was born on December 9th 2005. Both of my parents died when I was 5 and I still don't know how they died. I grew up an orphan. I went to many different orphanages and didn't like it there. I bounced through a lot of homes because I got into a lot of fights. Ya know how you don't feel at home sometimes, I didn't feel like at home when I was at those houses. I went to a lot of different schools because I got into a lot of fights, but ya know I'm still ballin like nobody. I have been to like 10 states, because orphanages would move me for starting fights. I'm in Texas now and I live here with my fake mother, her name is Laura. I do like her and she is very cool but she can be annoying sometimes and embarrasses me. I have a lot of friends and I love it here in Texas. Anyway time to go back to the story. I made it back to home base and sat down in the dugout with my friend Dwayne.

"Hey Dwayne man, how ya doin and man was that a good hit?"

"Bro I bet you could make us win all of our games if you keep on doing that," he replied.

"Yeah man I know that but you do good too," I said.

"Thanks for the compliment Dababy," he commented.

I laughed when he called me that. Dababy is a good rapper though and I like him a lot. Man practice was fun, but I'm gonna go to the YMCA and play basketball. 

When I got to the YMCA I went in I got my snacks because I was hungry. After that I went to work on my shots. After I warmed up, I played a basketball game with some other people and because I'm like the GOAT at basketball, my team won.

When I got out of YMCA I got a call from Laura.

"Where are you, Damen?"

"Just leaving the YMCA now Laura, no need to worry."

"Ok Damen just come home right now, I have something special for you," she said.

I started walking and saw a bright light and heard the honling of a car horn. That was the last thing I saw until I woke up. I woke up on the road and I wasn't even hurt and then the person who hit me got out of the car and ran to me to see if I was okay.

"Hey man are you okay?" He asked frantically, searching me for injuries.

"Yeah man, I'm good," I said

"Are you sure you're okay?" He said, wondering how I had survived.

"Dude, I'm okay and if I don't have any broken bones then I'm okay. The only thing that happened was that I was knocked out and now I'm okay." I commented

"If you say so kid, anyway do you need a ride home?" He said

"Yeah I do." I replied

He gave me a ride home and we didn't talk much. I thought about how weird it was that I didn't break any of my bones. When we got to my house, I got out, said thanks, and he drove off. I went outside and saw that Laura was there with a PS5.

"Where did you get that from Laura?" I asked, thoroughly confused.

"I bought it because of your amazing grades." She said, excitedly.

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