Chapter 14

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Damen POV

After being pummeled to death by Artemis, I limped home and let me say that she sucks. I literally did nothing except crash a car, and now it's my fault that her friends died. I really did nothing wrong except for crashing my foster mom's car which I might be kicked out of the house for doing that. I hate life sooo much and you know what readers, did I deserve being punched and kicked in the balls? Answer me that question and then I will think about my actions. Welp, can't do anything about it now.

Am I really this heartless? I just killed two people and I don't care. Wow, I am a cold hearted person and to be honest I was always like this when my parents died. It was like yesterday but I'm done talking about my past. But one more thing, I got another superpower and if you can guess it, you get nothing, now BACK TO THE STORY.

I got my phone out of my pocket and put my airpods in and turned on some music. I'm surprised that it didn't break in the crash. I got home, broke into my own house through a window (to escape my mother), got some milk duds and then played some video games. I really didn't care about getting in the shower but I did take the longest bath in history. After that I made myself some food. I looked at myself in a mirror and looked at how handsome I looked even though I was beaten up. I was about to go to sleep when I heard my phone ring and it was Laura.

"Hey, sweetie." I heard her say.

"Mommy mommy I love you mommy," I whispered.

"I know, sweetie. I just called to say that my boss needs me to go to Houston for a big conference. I'll be back in three days."

"Okie dokie mommy," I whispered yet again.

"Honey, why are you whispering? Are you okay?"

"Because why not, Mommy," I said, whispering YET again.

"Okay, well anyways I left some money in the pantry, and be careful when you're on the road. I heard there was an accident with a black SUV that looked a lot like ours."

"I can't hear you, Mommy I think we breakin up, bye Mommy" I whispered for like the 5th time maybe.

"Bye Damen, I love you more than life itself," she added quickly right before I hung up.

I was glad she was gone because I didn't want her to learn that I was the black SUV.

I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up to my doorbell ringing and I hoped it was not some news reporters and as you probably guessed, it was Lucia with some random dude and immediately closed the door and thought I was going to be brutally beaten up. I opened the door back up and said, "How are you doing today Lucia?"

"Terrible. Now let me in, we have to talk."

"Hold on there missy, this ain't yo house," I said in a southern accent.

She rolled her eyes and shoved me out of the way. Why is she so mad? I came in and she was in my living room sitting down on MY couch.

"Can you move off my couch please." I said nicely. She didn't move off the couch and I just sat down.

"Well what do you need? I asked.

"Why do you think I'm here?" Lucia said.

"Maybe for food?" I asked.

"Wow, you're kinda slow." Lucia replied.

"That is rude but why are you here?" I asked yet again.

"Here to apologize. Even though I hate you and will never forgive you for killing my friends, I still feel bad."

"What, mate, I never did that, that was my identical twin brother," I said, almost laughing.

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