chapter 6: The Battle.

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Sam and Sean both vamped their way over to Cole.
Cole laid on the ground covered in blood.
"Cole, are you ok?" Sean asked, concerned.
"Sean, give him your blood! You're the one that turned him. Your blood will heal him. His healing power isn't work because his injured too badly."
Sean gave his blood to Cole as soon as he gave his blood to Cole he started to heal.
"Cole, are you ok?"
He opened his eyes.
"Uh, what happened?"
"You were attacked by one of the werewolves, You almost died, but I healed you."

"Because I turned you, my blood will heal you because we're kind of bonded by blood."
"Oh, I didn't even know that your blood can heal me."
"Yeah, it's cool, right?"
"Lip, pretty cool."
"Ok, we need to get going. There is still a battle going on."
They helped Cole up, and then they wore back to fighting.
Sean was busy fighting with another vampire.
Cole took revenge and killed the werewolf that tried to kill him.
Sam turned around, and the person he saw behind him made his eyes look like fire.

"Hello, Sam, it's been a long time, like, what ten years?"
"Oh, I've waited for this day to happen for a long time, now I finally get the chance to kill you." Sam said.
"Ha, we'll see about that, may the best man win or whatever."
Sam threw the first punch he struck Corey in the face, and Corey fell on the ground.
Corey stabled to his feet. He went straight for Sam, but Sam dodged him.
Sam punched Corey in the guts Corey fell on the ground Sam grabbed him and in a blink of an eye Sam ripped Corey's heart from his chest, Corey's lifeless body dropped on the ground, Sam dropped Corey's heart, turned his back and walked away.

"I warned you." Sam said while he was walking away.
The battle was still ongoing, and Sean and Cole were busy fighting two other vampires, Jake and his pack were busy fighting with the other werewolves.
Sarah and Ben are busy arguing as always.
The battle was almost over, but the most important person wasn't here, everyone were still waiting for Caleb to show up.
Two hours later and Caleb still hasn't shown up.
Jake and one of the other werewolves are fighting, Jake cried in agony, then he ripped the werewolf's head from its body and transformed back into humans.
"I have killed your leader, your alpha, now you must serve me."
This is how it works, in the werewolf world, two alphas go up against each other to see whose worthy of being the pack leader, the one that wins is the new alpha so that mean the alpha that dies in their pack needs to join the new alpha's pack.

"Sean, we've already killed everyone, but there's still no sign of Caleb."
"I know, Sam, we just need to be patient. The way I know Caleb, he'll probably make a scene. He really likes to make an entry."
"Ok, so we just wait, got it."
It was getting late, everyone was feeling exhausted, they hadn't fed, so they were starving.
"Sam, I can't wait any longer. I am starving, and I need blood. We all do."
Sarah said, "You could see the hunger in her eyes."
"Ok, ten more minutes than we can leave, ok!" Sean said and turned his back.
"Sean, his not going to show you said it yourself, He likes to make an entry." Sam said.

"Fine! Let's just go inside, so all of you can stop bitching and moaning!" Sean turned around and started for the house.
"What's his problem, jeez. Sarah whispered to Claire.
"Hey! Sean's been working his ass of to keep me safe hell to keep us all safe, Each of you are on Caleb's radar including me, I don't even know why, of course Sean's on edge, but it's only because he knows how dangerous Caleb is, so show some respect! If it wasn't for Sean we'd all be dead! So pull yourselves together. This conversation is over, whoever wants to join us is welcome but does of you who want to leave that your problem. Sam said and started for the house.
Everyone followed, they knew without Sean and Sam they'd all be dead.

"Sean, I am sorry that Caleb didn't show."
"It's not your fault Sam, one of these days I will kill Caleb."
"I know Sean, Caleb will show when we least expect it, so we'll have to watch our backs always."
"Ok, Sean I will see you in the morning, before we go to school,
L before you say something just hear me out, we have to go to school, people are getting suspicious of us.
"Ok, but we just need to be careful.
"I know."
Sam answered.
The next morning, Sam and Sean woke up and started for school.
"Sam!" Becca called from behind them.

"Excuse me, brother."
"Sam, you're back, I missed you." Becca planted a passionate kiss on Sam's lips.
"I can see that, I missed you to, a lot, actually." Sam said and planted a kiss on Becca's forehead.
"Walk me to class?" Becca asked with a cute smile.
"Of course, anything for my lady."
Sam took Becca's hand in his, and they started for class.
"When are you going to take me on a real date?"
Sam didn't expect this question.

"Uh? What do you mean?"
"You know, like going out for something to eat or watching a movie or just something where we can be alone and get to know each other."
"Oh, a date, I'll see what I can do."
"Jip, really."
Class dismissed.
"I'll can drop you off if you want."
"Sure, why not."
Sam opened the door for Rebecca.
"My lady, shall we be of then?"
"We shall." Rebecca said and climbed in the car.
I need to protect her. I just need to I can't lose her. Sam's thoughts got a head of him.
"Sam, why did you move to Pinecove?"
"Um, well, my brother and I move around a lot. Our parents passed away a couple of years ago, so we stayed with our aunt for a while. But she struggled with cancer, so she didn't live long, so yeah, now with live on our own.

"Wow, Sam, I am so sorry that you had to go through all of that. It must have been hard."
"It was, but hey, look on the bright side. If I didn't move to Pinecove, I wouldn't have met you, my one and only."
"Aww, Sam, you're so sweet"
"I know, ok we're here. Can I walk you to the door?"
"Sure why not."
Sam moved quickly and opened Becca's door.
"Oh, thanks. How did you get on this side of the car so fast?"
"Uh, no, I didn't move that fast if I did it must be because of football.
"Oh, yeah, you play football?"
"So I am dating a Jock."
"Looks like it." Sam said with a smirk.

They were at the door, Sam kissed Rebecca goodnight and made his way home.
I need to be more careful, I almost exposed myself. His thought got ahead of him once again.
Sam was still deep in thought when something or someone crashed into his car.
"Shit!" Sam lost control. He hit a tree, and all went dark.

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