Chapter 3:Saving Sean.

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Sean, where are you? You never stay away for this long.
It's been a week since Sean disappeared.
And Sam is getting anxious.
Sam's phone ringed.
"Sammy, missed me?"
"In the flesh, baby!"
"Where's my brother!"
"Oh, Sammy, it doesn't work that way.''
"What do you want from me?"
"You know what I want! Get that for me, and maybe I'll consider letting your brother go." Caitlyn hung up the phone.

"Crap, what am I going to do? This is all my fault, Caitlyn is after me, and now she has Sean. This is why vampires don't mix with witches! How in the hell am I supposed to find a werewolf in Pinecove? Looks like it's time to call up an old friend."
"Sam Evans? Is that you? How have you been, man?"
"Ok, Blake, I need a favor."
"Yeah, what do you need?"
"I need to find a werewolf in Pinecove, do you know any in Pinecove?"

"Umm, I am not sure that I know, wait, there is one. His name is Jake Miller."
"Thanks, man, talk to you later."
Sam hung up the phone.
"Ok, now I only need to find this werewolf, if his even still in town.
Sam found Jake Miller's address, and since Caitlyn also took their car, Sam used his vamp speed to get there.

Sam couldn't exactly knock on the door and say hi, I need you for a psycho witch ritual, can he? So he needed to figure out a plan and quick.
Sam used his vamp speed to break down the door. He searched the rooms and saw nothing. Just when he turned around, someone hit him from behind,
Sam went flying into the wall, and he stumbled to his feet.

"Jake Miller, I presume?"
"Who wants to know?"
"I need your help."
"Why should I help a bloodsucker like you?"
"A witch took my brother, I need to get him back!"
"Sorry, I can't help you."
"Please? His all I have left!"
"Uh, what do you need me for?"
The witch wants a werewolf to do some kind of ritual."
"I will not be part of some kind of ritual
I am sorry, but I can't help you."
''Wait, no one's going to be part of any rituals, I'll just use you as bait to take out the witch once and for all."

"Fine, but if I die, it's on you!"
"Chill, no one's dying today!''
''I better not! Anyway, can we go now?"
"Wait, first I have to call the witch to tell her we're on our way."
"Caitlyn! I have the werewolf. Where should I drop him?"
"You can drop him at the warehouse on Jim Street."
"Ok! We're on our way!"
"Ok, we're here. It looks like the witch didn't come alone. Ok, you take the two on the right, and I'll take the two on the left."
Sam and Jake moved as fast as they can, they took out all of Caitlyn's men, and now she's all alone.
"Caitlyn! Where's Sean?
"Sammy, you're too late. You'll never find him!"

''Where is he? I am not going to ask you again!"
"His at the docks, but you're too late. he's probably already swimming with the fishies."
Sam was furious. You could see the anger in his eyes. Without thinking twice, Sam snapped Caitlyn's neck, and then he ripped her heart out, leaving her in her own paddle of blood.

Then he vamped his way to the docks.
"Sam! Sean screamed from a wooden crate on the back of a black truck. Sam rushed over to Sean while Jake took out the last of Caitlyn's men.
"Sean, are you ok?"
"I am fine, but don't touch the crate it's covered in brown oak!"
Brown oak was the only thing other than a wooden stake or ripping a vampire's heart out that could kill a vampire as well.
"Jake, I can't touch the crate. You'll have to open it!"
Jake opened the crate, but Sean was weak like all his strength was drained completely.

"Sean, you're weak. We need to find you some blood. Jake, I need you to get me some blood from the hospital?"
"You owe me big time.
Jake disappeared into the forest, making his way to the hospital.
"Sean, you're going to be ok."
Jake returned with the blood, and Sam gave it to Sean.
"Now we just wait for him to recover. I really appreciate your help, I know werewolves and vampires are supposed to be enemies or whatever, but I really needed your help today, Jake."

"Don't mention it, I don't believe in violence unless it's necessary, but for now I have to go, see you later or whenever." Jake disappeared into the forest.
"Ok, come on, Sean, let's go home."
Sam took Sean home the next morning
He went to school, but Sean stayed home so he could recover completely.

"Sam! Rebecca called from behind him.
"Oh, it's you, hi Rebecca."
"Where have you been? I was worried sick about you!"
"Oh, so you worry about me? That's cute." Sam said with a smirk.
Rebecca blushed, and then she answered.
"Of course, I worry about you. Isn't that what friends are for?"
"Friends, is that what we are?"
"Yes, what else would we be, Sam?
"Ah, I don't know, Friends, I guess."
"Ok, see you in class then." Rebecca looked kind of disappointed to hear Sam's answer.

"Becca, wait!"
Sam finally lost himself. He wrapped his arms around Becca and kissed her.
"Sam, what was that for?"
"Don't you get it, I can't think straight when I am around you, and that drives me crazy."
"Sam, I feel the same about you, so does this mean we're dating?
"Yes, I mean if that's what you want."
"Of course, I'll be your girlfriend."

"Cool, and I'll be your boyfriend, give me your hand, I'll walk you to class."
"Ok." Becca gave her hand to Sam, and they walked hand in hand to their first class.
Sam and Rebecca were sitting in the back of the class talking when Sam's phone rang.
"Excuse me."

"Sam, you left in such a hurry, I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye."
"Yup, come outside so we can talk."
"What if I don't?"
"Then the girl gets it. She's beautiful, by the way."
"Don't you dare touch her!"
"It's up to you, Sam. You have 5 minutes.

"Cole! Cole! Crap he hanged up."
"Becca, can you please excuse me?"
"Sure, where are you going?"
"Just need to use the bathroom."
Sam went outside where Cole was waiting for him.
"Took you long enough."
"Stop with the games and get to the point. What do you want, Cole?"
"It's simple, take me to Sean, and then I'll leave you alone."
"What do you even want with Sean?"
"Sean never told you about me, did he."
"What are you talking about?"
"Sean is the one who turned me into a vampire, So I am here to protect him."

"Because if Sean dies, I die, and I don't want to die, man."
"Ok, wait, I want to hear this from Sean before I let you near him. I am calling him."
"Ok, go ahead, call him."
"Hello, Sam, is something wrong?"
"No, nothing's wrong, listen Sean Cole showed up at school, he said you're the one who turned him, is it true?"
"Well, yes, I did. Why?"
"He wants to see you. Is it cool if I bring him to the house?"
"Yeah, it's fine. You can bring him."

"Ok, we're on our way."
Sam hung up the phone and turned to Cole.
"Ok, come on, let's go. Just a fear warning you make one wrong move and I will kill you."
Sam and Cole arrived at the house
Sean was waiting on the front porch.

Sean and Cole bro hugged.
"Cole, man, how have you been?"
"Fine, I've been looking for you."
"I heard some people are trying to kill you, so I am here to protect you cause if you die, I die, remember."
"Yeah, I know, but I really don't need any protection."
"That's where you're wrong, I heard the whole California vampire gang is after you."
"What are you talking about?"
"A week after you left, Derek paid me a visit, and he told me everything. He also told me that you and him have some unfinished business. What did he mean by "unfinished business?"
"It's a long story. I'll tell you about it another time."

"Ok, anyway, the California vampire gang aren't the only people that's after you, Caleb Thompson is also after you."
"No, not Caleb crap, what are we going to do?"
Caleb was Sean's nemesis. They hate each other.
If Caleb shows up, all hell will break loss, and a whole lot of bloodshed will take place. Sam, Sean, and Cole need to think of a plan and fast.

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