Chapter 32 Kyoto Day 1

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Exactly 2 week after that incident, my shoulder still needs some bandaids for my shoulder as its not fully healed, other than that my left cheek still needs one because it turns out the knife grazed it deeper than i thought.

But i couldn't be more relieved that we finnaly got Mr Satoru's acknowledg
-ment and approval for that matter, Me and Kirin kan finnaly date freely without worry.

And since that day he keeps asking me to walk Kirin to and from school, and i couldn't be more happy to do so.

Im at your front gate

Alright, coming!

After a few minutes of waiting Kirin finnaly came out with her mom and dad behind, she ran up to me and gave me a big hug "You ready to go?" I asked as i brushed her bangs to the back of her ear.

"Yeah! Lets go" she exclaimed and so we waved our goodbye to her mom and dad and started our walk, they smiled at me and i shot them a look that told 'Don't worry, i'll take care of your beloved daughter'


Our walk to school was going in a comfortable silence before Kirin decided to broke it by tugging on my uniform sleeve.

"How's your shoulder?" She asked quietly, The daily question was asked yet again, every day since the incident she constantly asks the question and she still blames herself for it, and every day i too would reassure her that it's not her fault.

"It's better" i and i could see her looking down again, probably silently blaming herself.

I instinctively patted her head softly and ruffled with her hair a little, "its not your fault, my choice my will remember?"


As i stared at her i remember the sight i saw a couple of weeks ago, when we connected our foreheads, i saw myself in her mirroring eyes, i saw the girl i love cry for me. I din't shed a single tear because i was happy that she had cried genuine tears for me.

"Come on let me bring them for you" i said referring to her bag and suitcase, as we're told after the music festival we class 1 and another class get to go to Kyoutou before the other classes.

"N-no you should carry less things because your not- Hey! Give me those"

I swinged my duffel bag on my right shoulder and forcefully took her things and swinged her bag on my left shoulder, i winced a little because of the wound but i din't care that much.

"See! I told you! Give me that back"

"No, Just let me do what i want, okay?"
"Fine... Thankyou.."


Today is going to be our first day at our field trip to Kyoutou, but there's not much to do because we'll be arriving a little over 5 in the afternoon as Kawayuki-Sensei told us yesterday.

After the slow comfortable walk to school we finnaly arrived and stepped inside the Senior high school building, not suprised at the many stares that i and Kirin were getting even after two weeks its like the news is still fresh and new.

"Yo! Kotarou, Kirin" We bumped to Taka who was buying a drink from the vending machine, we greeted him back and then started to walk to our class.

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