Chapter 11

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Shinso had knelt down before he could allow himself to hesitate or re-think his decisions. He pulled a small, charcoal grey box out of his pocket as Kaminari turned around, wondering why he hadn't left the ferris wheel booth. All of class 1A was watching them now, and Shinso was feeling extra nervous. He had no idea what he was doing, but the boy standing in front of him was who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. The silence was beginning to feel uncomfortable, Shinso took a deep, shaky breath before talking.

"So, I don't really know how to say this," Shinso started.

He could feel Mina's glare of disappointment at the statement.

"But you have made these past three years the best years of my life. You have helped me relax and take time to enjoy some of the simple things in life. You even helped me make a few friends, despite my not wanting to." Shinso added, with a slight smirk.

Kaminari smiled at that last little bit, wiping away a few stray tears.

"Remember our first date here three years ago? Well this was the spot I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."

Shinso paused, taking another shaky, nervous breath. He opened the little grey box, revealing a golden band with small diamonds embedded around it.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes! Yes of course!" Kaminari excitedly said, jumping onto Shinso, hugging him and crying tears of joy.

The rest of their class started clapping and cheering, happy to see an important part of their friends lives. After Kaminari calmed down a bit, Shinso slipped the ring on to Kaminari's hand with a smile, with tears of joy in his own eyes. Kaminari kissed Shinso and wiped away the tears that had started to roll down his face, And Shinso wiped Kaminari's tears away as well.

"That was so manly bro." Kirishima said to Shinso, when the boys came back down and joined the rest of the class.

"Congrats dunce face. And if eye bags here ever hurts you, I'll kill him." Bakugou threatened, glancing at Shinso.

"Aw you do care!" Kaminari exclaimed.

Everyone was coming over to the newly engaged couple to say congratulations. Ashido came strutting up to Shinso and Kaminari, both her and Hagakure had their phones in hand.

"I feel hurt that you didn't tell me you were planning to do this, I thought we were friends." Ashido pouted, then grinding and holding her phone up to show the two boys a video. "At last I got a video of the whole thing so you guys can show it to your future kids!"

"Hey, congratulations dude!" Mineta said, giving Kaminari a fist bump.

On their way back to the school, before Shinso could get on the bus, Aizawa stopped him and placed a hand on the younger boy's head.

"I'm proud of you son." Aizawa said, with a small smile.

"Thanks dad."

Aizawa gave Shinso a brief hug before they got on the bus. Shinso went and sat down next to Kaminari. Everyone was excitedly talking on the way back to the dorms, but once they arrived some broke off from the group to go sleep for the night. Once Shinso and Kaminari got to Shinso's room and were laying in bed cuddled together, Kaminari looked at Shinso and asked,

"Did you plan that?"

"Remember when I went to talk to Aizawa after class? Well I had gone to ask him if we could go to the amusement park and told him about my plans to propose to you." Shinso answered, slightly embarrassed to be admitting it.

"That's so sweet of you." Kaminari said, with a smile of pure happiness. "Hey Hitoshi, I love you."

"I love you too Denki."

I'm so happy to be done with this, not because I hated it but because this is the first time I have ever finished a story. Unless we are talking about the one I made in third grade that sucked, but we don't talk about that one. Thank you guys so much for all the support you gave me while writing this story, and I absolutely loved reading your comments about what you thought of the story. 

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