Good Days and Bad Days

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Warnings: none - fluff and comfort and a really cheesy ending.

Word count: 1.7k


It felt like it had been age since you had stepped in your home. You groan as your feet protest one more step. You urge yourself forward – five more steps, four more steps, three, two... Your front door comes into view and it's all you can do to stop yourself from crying.

You continue on forward; ignoring the aches and pains stirring in the balls of your feet. Ignoring the way your heel pinches with each step. You ignore it all for the fact that you're less than six feet away from your own front door.

Your own front door that has been your home for the last six months. The cherry red door that greets you along with the well maintained front garden. They all greet you happily as you push open the creaky metal gate. It didn't matter how often you told yourself, you never remembered to oil the hinges. For now though, the creak of that old metal gate meant one thing.

You were home.

It had simply been one of those days. From the start to the end, it had been nonstop and by the end, you felt as if nothing had truly been accomplished, only leading to a longer to-do list for tomorrow. To top it off, around noon, the familiar scratching began in your throat – catching you off guard and unprepared. The blocked nose began soon after; having you sneeze into your elbow. The last thing you could possible need as of right now was a cold, but it seems your bod has other ideas. The mere thought makes your eyes sting with unwanted tears, but you push them away. Instead, you shove your key into the lock, sighing happily as you hear the familiar click.

Already toeing off your heels, you shove open the door, taking care not to bang it against the inside wall. Slowly, you shrug off your coat and hang it on the hook, closing the door behind you and sagging slightly against it.

For a brief moment, you allow yourself a little reprieve. You close your eyes and take a deep breath; pushing any lingering thoughts about work or your growing cold from your mind. Instead, you keep your mind blank – imagining it to be a plain piece of paper, simply waiting to be doodled on.

The reprieve lets you catch your breath. It lets you calm yourself down before beginning your evening. You had no real plans tonight; dinner and work whilst catching up with Draco, but the idea of doing any more work tonight sorely ruins your appetite.

You frown as you catch a glimpse of yourself in the hall mirror. Sighing, you push your hair back from your face, noting how desperately in need of a trim it is. The frown doesn't leave your face as you think to yourself: another item on the to-do list, it seems.

Distantly, you note the clattering in the kitchen. The opening and closing of the fridge and cupboards doors. You take no notices of them, continuing to scrutinise your appearance – trying to pinpoint exactly the moment where your day turned from good to bad to worse.

"Love, is that you?" A voice calls out; getting closer by the second.

The tears from earlier threaten to make another appearance at the sound of his voice. The only thing you have wanted to hear since four hours into your shift. "Yeah, it's me," You shout; sniffling slightly.

Drying his hands on a tea towel, Draco meets you by the door. Even after a twelve hour shift at the only wizarding hospital in Britain he looked amazing, you note with some derision. He takes one look at you and your form. "Long day?" He asks, gently.

You nod wordlessly; a lump forming in your throat at the sheer amount of care in his voice. You plod over to him; your shoulders slumped. You walk into his waiting embrace; his arms settling around you gently as you press your face into his shoulder and inhale the ever familiar and always welcoming scent of jasmine and amber. Draco drops a kiss to the top of your head; remaining silent as he holds you, a hand running through your hair and down your back. Repeating as often as needed.

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