Human Nature Pt3:

Start from the beginning

'Doesn't matter if he's human or not, he still manages to save you.' Astro said as he handed her a cricket ball that he saw John throw when he saw her heading toward the direction of the piano. Galaxy smiled as she looked at the ball and she felt herself being helped up by the two that had been holding the rope of the piano.

"Out of the way." She heard and looked over to see John moving past the men to grab her arms, "Are you alright?" She asked and she smiled and held out the ball to him. "I take this is yours? Thank you." She said. "Uh, it was...It was just a lucky shot." He said, stumbling over his words slightly when he looked at her smile.

"Either way it was rather impressive." She said and something in his heart caused it to flutter at her praise and smile that he took hold of her hand before he knew what he was doing. "Might I invite you to the village dance this evening, Ms Lilith? Ast my guest?" He asked rather quickly and her eyes widened in surprise.

"I didn't know there was a dance." She told him. "Oh, well, that's alright. I just.." He started but she cut him off. "But I would love to go with you, John." She said, earning a wide smile from him. He turned to Redfern, still with the smile on his face and Galaxy noticed the sad smile on her face.

"I'll escort her back. Will you join us Matron?" He asked and Galaxy's smile faded slightly when she saw the woman flinch slightly at the formal use of her title. "No, that's quite alright. I still have errands to run in town. I shall see you two at the dance, yes?" She said and when they nodded, she turned and walked off.


Astro trotted in front of John and Galaxy as they walked back to the school, walking through a few fields and seeing more than a few tattered scarecrows. He could almost imagine the Doctor being there instead of John, just spending time with Galaxy like this, he'd take what he could get, since he missed the Doctor just as much.

"Does this Doctor in your dreams do the impossible things with cricket balls as well?" Galaxy asked, John had just finished telling her a few more tales of his dreams as they walked, and it reminded her so much of when she and the Doctor were kids. "Well, I discovered a talent, that's certainly true."

"The Doctor does have an eye for the ladies." She teased. "The devil!" He remarked. "A girl at every fireplace?" She added, herself reminiscing over their time with Reinette. "Now, there I have to protest, Lilith, that's hardly me." He said laughing before noticing a scarecrow hanging oddly, "That scarecrow's all skewed."

He pulled her along the furrows by the hand he had taken hold of earlier and he started straightening the stuffed man across the fram.

"Ever the artist I see." She said, before looking at him, "I'm curious as to where you learned to draw?" She asked. She decided she'd need to get the Doctor to start sketching like she did, he had a talent for it. "Gallifrey." He answered quickly and she looked at him. So some things were coming through.

"Is that in...Ireland?" She asked with hesitance. "Yes. It must be, yes." He said with some hesitance of his own but for different reasons. "But you're not Irish?" She asked. "Not at all, no. My father Sidney was a watchmaker from Nottingham and my mother Verity was a mechanic, actually."

"A mechanic? Well, we do make good wives." She said, though she wondered if some of her aspects made its way into the story the Doctor had made for John, though she wondered why he never went with artist if that was the case. "You're a mechanic?" He asked, looking at her and she grinned.

"It's a hobby of mine, people say I'm good at fixing things but my main love would be painting." She told him and he was curious as to what she painted and proceeded to ask her as they walked back to the road.


The two were back in John's study, Astro was laying by the fireplace while Galaxy was sitting while John sketched her. Astro had made a comment about how she was finally on the side of being the subject instead of the artist and she was amazed by how no one ever complained when she asked them to sit still, but then she did like to move around a lot.

"Can I see?" She asked when he lowered the book, indicating he was finished. He moved over to sit on the couch next to her, he held out the book for her to see and her eyes widened.

It was the most well drawn and stunning sketch she had ever seen for her current face. She herself never really liked doing self portraits, always found them a bit hard.

"I don't really look like that, do I?" She asked, still a bit stunned. "Most definitely." He told her as he smiled. "You've made me too beautiful." She said. "Well that's how I see you." He said and she looked at him. "But we've only just met, John."

"It feels like a lifetime I've known you, though." He said as he gently brushed a piece of her hair from her face before leaning toward her until he gently placed his lips on hers for a moment before pulling away.

"I've never, um..." He said, quietly as he looked into her eyes before leaning in and he kissed her again, this time a long, loving kiss. Just as the kiss was about the turn deeper, the door flew open and Martha ran in.

"Martha, what have I told you about entering unannounced?" He demanded, pulling back from the kiss and Martha's eyes widened as she stared at Galaxy who was blushing hard, but had a slight sad look in her eyes, before rushing out of the room.

Galaxy sighed slightly and both she and Astro wished there was something the Doctor left about this happening.


There was nothing. Absolutely nothing about what to do if something like John falling in love happened! Galaxy had gone back to the Tardis and watched the video six times. The only comfort they could probably get from this was him falling for Galaxy but to her that didn't leave a good taste in her mouth.

It wasn't that she didn't like John less then the Doctor, nothing of the sort, but this, spending time with him like she had brought on things she could only dream of having with the Doctor and she knew it wouldn't last forever.

"Four, you." The Doctor said as Galaxy played the video again, "Don't let me abandon you."

"Of course he wouldn't think about women." She mumbled, chuckling slightly. As far as he was concerned, Galaxy was the only woman he'd ever fall in love with, had proved that in the past. "Now what should we do?" She asked. "We get you ready for the dance."

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