xx, something about you.

Start from the beginning

well, this is it. this is where olive and tommy collapse to the floor and play dead. oh my god, i'm kidding — but the two of them pretended to do that once when they were fourteen. didn't go so well.

"what are you two doing out here so late?" the police officer interrogated, turning the flashlight between the two, as if one might run off. "or i should say — early."

olive looked down to her shoes. "well, we're just having fun, sir. hey, two seventeen year olds on a saturday, what else can you expect?"

tommy nodded along with her. he learned his lesson from the last time they were interrogated by a cop — keep your mouth shut, olive will get us out of this.

that was the rule that they decided on when they were fourteen, and got caught jumping over a fence to a golfing course. how were they supposed to know it was private property?

"what're your names?"

okay, not going so well. but it was good — he knew their ages. two minors. "olive adria and tom simons."

the cop had a look of realization on his face. "wait — adria, as in carmen adria?"

olive looked confused. tommy did too — he just showed it a lot less. "wait, you know her mum?" he asked. our mums work together, he thought. fuck me, does he know mine too?

"yeah, back in school we were best friends!" the cop now had a friendly look on his face. what a fucking relief. "small world, innit?"

"it really is!" olive smiled and subconsciously wiped the sweat off her forehead. "i'll be sure to tell her! i don't hear much about her school experience."

"tell her to call me one day! i'd like to take her out to dinner one day," he laughed softly. "and you two get home. not sure how carmen would feel about you two sneaking out at four in the morning."

olive nodded and the man walked away. she wondered how he'd feel when hen would find out that her mother was a lesbian.

"we should probably get out of here," olive turned to tommy, who apparently was already looking at her. he turned away with a pale pink on his face. "i'll get the food."

he nodded and did as she said. both walking towards the car with only the shining of the moon and the reflection of the stars to guide them with direction.

both climbing into the car, there was a moment of silence before they turned to each other. they burst into laughter.

"did that really just fucking happen?" tommy said through laughs, olive slapping her hand against the steering wheel. "seriously, what the fuck?"

"oh my god, i'm gonna piss my pants," olive leaned back in her seat. "guess we cut that picnic short, huh?"

after the laughter contained itself, olive reached her hand in her pocket for the keys and pulled out something she wasn't quite expecting.

"why do i —" she cut herself off when she pulled out the slice of bread from earlier. the peanut butter was spread around all in her pocket. "why did i put it in my pocket?"

tommy was absolutely losing it. she put her forehead against the steering wheel, both confused and hysterical.

"i'm gonna go — throw this away," olive furrowed her eyebrows and nodded, as if approving her own decision. "i'll be back."

"wait —" tommy grabbed her wrist before she could get out of the car.

olive smiled. "relax. i'll be back in a sec, i promise i'm not leaving you."

he grabs one of her hands, the one that quiet literally, isn't preoccupied with a slice of bread with some peanut butter on it. he stays silent and looks as though he's contemplating on what to do next.

he's sweating. like, a lot. not only from the hysterical laughing, but from the terrifying decision making. "uh —"

"yes?" olive furrows her eyebrows. she subconsciously moves closer to tommy, him doing the same.

"can uh —" the blonde wipes off the sweat from his face. "can i kiss you right now? what the fuck, i'm being so awkward."

olive laughs, but not too hard as to where she pulls away.

"yeah. i'd like that," she says. "a lot."

in which, they now lived in a world where tom simons and olive adria were the only two people in the world. where all time stopped, and how it was just them.

that was, until, tommy said one line.

"would it be bad if i referred to that kiss as pog?"

"very bad."

"that kiss was awesome, then."

i ate this chapter up tbh i
kinda slayed

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