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A man, only of the age 22, ran his hand through his hair, sighing slightly, breathing in the air with a slight cold crisp to it and looking around slightly. He muttered a few things, observing the place he was in, his head slightly hurting from the stress of things that had been going on in his work. He groaned in annoyance. He nodded off a little, his pen falling, he sighed and picked it up and accidentally hit his head on the corner of his desk. A few cusswords slipped out of his mouth. "Fan-fucking-tastic," he muttered rubbing the now red spot on his head. He yawned and stood up, walking to his office door.

Before he could open it, his boss flung the door wide open and talked to him about work, asking if he'd gotten any stories lately. The man, Charles Johnson, politely informed his boss that he had not been getting stories because he was thinking about something bothering him lately. His boss, who honestly couldn't care less, decided to humor Charles and ask what it might be bugging him. "It's just, I was thinking about early memories and stuff, and I can't really remember a lot of my childhood. It just kind of annoys me. I keep having a weird dream about a city underwater and for some reason it seems familiar."

His boss rolled his eyes, "Look, Charles. I'll let you have a break. I'm not gonna get any stories from ya if I overwork ya, am I right?" Charles nodded. "Of course I am," his boss continued. "Now, you get everything figured out and come back to me, alright kid?" Charles agreed and thanked his boss, gathering his things from his desk and beginning to leave the building.

His boss waved him off, wishing him luck. Charles walked out of the front door, starting to make his way home. He suddenly got a surging pain in his head and clutched at his temples, dropping a few things and cussing all at the same time. He fell to his knees as the pain increased. His vision got blurry and he began to have trouble breathing. Charles lost consciousness and fell on his face.

His thoughts fought with each other, almost arguing. He had no idea what was going on, he had competent thought, but not consciousness. He began to wonder if this was what it is like to be in a coma. He then began to wonder if he was actually in a coma. He was scared now.

He was even more frightened when he began to see a bright white light. He thought he was dying, and he did not want to die. To his relief, though, the white light faded into forms around him. Forms of men, scientists, standing around him, all exchanging words of what sounded to be congratulations and acknowledgements.

Charles heard one man say "Great job everyone, this progress is really important to the development of Rapture. This might be the greatest achievement in the history of Garden of Knowledge." He raised an eyebrow and looked at the scientists. None of it made sense to him until he looked around the scientists instead. He saw glass walls holding back water. There was only one explanation. Rapture.

Rapture was the city founded, built, and lead by one Andrew Ryan. Andrew had built Rapture as an escape from the restrictions of all the rest of the world. He refused to let the work he and many other people put it mean absolutely nothing. He built a city, a world, where a man could be judged by the value and time of his work. Where anyone could be any religion, free from persecution. Where free enterprise was the basis, the concrete foundation, which held it all together.

The fall of Rapture is considered to be at the introduction of Plasmids, injectable fluids that modified one's genetics and gave special abilities. People began to get addicted to ADAM, the substance used to make these Plasmids. These addicts were called Splicers. Depending on what Plasmids they were addicted to most, they might be separated into different varieties of Splicers. There was the typical Thuggish Splicer, addicted to easy to obtain Plasmids such as Electro Bolt or Incinerate. Spider Splicers were addicted to the harder to obtain ones, Telekinesis, Cyclone Trap, Winter Blast. Brute Splicers were addicted to them all, making them increase in bulk and strength, not so much brains though.

Andrew was killed by his own son, Jack. After Andrew's death, Sofia Lamb took his place. Sofia had tried to cater more to the people than the industry of Rapture. She had made herself to look as the "mother" of the city and its people. She also claimed that her daughter, Eleanor, was a figure similar to the Messiah of the city.

Charles started to remember everything. He remembered being with his mother and father when the announcement of Andrew's death was made. And he remembered his parents being brutally attacked by a Big Sister. And finally, he remembered being taken by these people. He remembered them wanting to experiment on him. He now realized what this was. What he thought was his life was just manufactured by these people to keep him from waking up from his coma-like state.

"Don't get too excited everyone, we still have to see how well he performs in the suit," one scientist said, trying to quell the murmers. Charles didn't like the sound of this. From those words, he could only guess one thing they planned to do with him. His suspicions were confirmed when he heard the same scientist say his next sentence.

"Alright everyone, let's get him bonded to a little sister and see just how well our little test subjects do."

"What!?" Charles screamed. "You're gonna make me into one of those giant freaky monster things?" He couldn't believe this. He's asleep for more than fifteen years living a fake life inside his own head only to awake to being turned into a Big Daddy.

The scientists carefully and slowly let him up and made him walk. Questions twisted and turned in his head like a rapid stream or brook flowing endlessly, a slight headache making him somewhat agitated. They brought him to a room where a little girl sat in a chair, her legs kicking back and forth, small giggles emanating from her. As she smiled and looked up at them, Charles' eyes widened a little, wondering who this little girl was. The scientist cleared his throat, "Well, this is Clarity" the little girl waved hello, not talking.

BioShock 2: Heaven's Blind Spot (DEMO DRAFT FROM 2015 - 2018)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu