Chapter 10: Things are Complicated

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Now back on Dathomir Feral picks up Riyo's droid and gives her a small smile before opening the hatch on the ship. Feral held out his free arm to Riyo "ill help you miss." Riyo gave him a soft smile and wrapped her arm in his and began walking down the ramp..... Maul walked up to Ahsoka holding out his hand to help her up from her seat. Ashoka smiled and placed her hand in Mauls as he gently pulled her up and gave another tug to pull her to him, he stared intensely into Ahsoka's eyes before placing his thumb on her chin and kissing her lips "Lady Tano.... how were able to do this to me?"..... Ahsoka stared at Maul for a moment " what do you mean Maul?"....... Maul ran his thumb along Ahsoka's cheek "you've brought out emotions I never thought I had or would experience......and now.... now there's stronger conflicting emotions......I think it's because your pregnant, all I want to do keep my eye on you.... all I want to do is murder someone who tries to touch you." .....Ahsoka giggled ran her hand along Mauls cheek "Maul I think thats called being a dad........I know your not used to this stuff but remember sith embrace emotions.".... Maul rolled his eyes " always you with the sass, Lady Tano." Ahsoka smirked and kissed Mauls cheek then whispered in his ear "I learned from the best."

Maul followed close behind Ahsoka as they exited the ship when they heard a loud voice call out from the cave " YO PREGGS IS BACK"....... Maul snarled and leaned into Ashoka cheek "Rafa is it??.... I dont like her...... but i shall tolerate her for you..... her sister seems ok.... for now." ....Ahsoka rolled her eyes and giggled "she can be rough around the edges....... kinda reminds me of someone........Hi Rafa!!"..... Ventress walked up behind Rafa, Maul raised and eyebrow as Rafa was unaware of her presence... with a quick motion Ventress smacked Rafa on the back of the head.....  "You should address her as Ahsoka or My lady when he's around." She said as she pointed in the direction of Maul. Rafa rubbed her head "ouch dam woman calm down were cool."

Once Ahsoka and Maul were back in the cave, Ahsoka introduced Riyo to everyone and started showing her around....... "Ahsoka, this is really amazing you have a home and others do too now." Ahsoka smiled "yes it definitely is nice to be surrounded by people you like" .....a voice echoed from behind the two "Ahsoka..... can I speak with you alone?" Ahsoka turned around to be met by Viscus.... "of course  brother Viscus..... ill be back Riyo." Ahsoka gave Riyo a smile as before she walked up to Viscus. Viscus smiled "will you walk with me Lady Tano?" Ahsoka smiled "sure".... Viscus and Ahsoka walked to the entrance if the cave, Ahsoka could feel Maul staring at them from the cave. Ahsoka turned and gave Maul a smile "ill be back love im just going to take a stroll with Viscus" Maul raised an eyebrow and nodded but still maintained his eyes on Ahsoka.

As Viscus and Ahsoka got a little further from the cave there still was a silence between the two "so Viscus why did you want to talk to me away from everyone what information is this sensitive?" Viscus stopped and faved Ahsoka givig her a puzzled look "im not sure how to say this..... but I need you to promise you will keep it to yourself and find your own way of telling Maul." Ahsoka cocked her head to the side and raised a brow. "Viscus what is it? i don't like how you said that." Viscus looked at Ahsoka with plea in his eyes "Ahsoka im Savage's, Maul's and Feral's Father...... Mother Talzin kept me as head of the tribe so long as I provided strong offspring to her and as long as I kept them submissive to the witches as well as never telling them who their fathers were..... it was imperative to our survival and its been this way of life for so long.".... Ahsoka gasped "you need to tell him,Viscus you need to tell Maul."... Viscus shook his head "I can't Lady Tano do you understand.... Maul will not be happy with me for keeping that from him, and he will blame me for the actions of the witches.... He will be angry that I didn't come looking for him." Ahsoka had a saddened look on her face as she saw conflict in Viscus's eyes..... "ill tell him then, but ill do it gently... I know what your saying... his anger can be easy to trigger.... ill have to be careful the way I tell him."...... I wont tell Feral tho that will probably happen when Maul gets upset and says something after ive told him." ....Viscus gave Ahsoka a gentle smile "thats fine... I'm sure it will be slightly easier to reconcile with him than it will be with Maul, he's been through so much it pains me I didn't have the strength to do something about this before." Ahsoka took Viscus's hand it will be ok after a while maybe not right away but things will be ok....... I guess that makes you grandfather then doesn't it?" Ahsoka watched as Viscus's eyes lit up "yes, yes I suppose you are right Lady Tano.... I hope I still have my head attached to my body to meet him." Ahsoka giggled "ill make sure he doesn't murder you Viscus, don't worry."..... With that the two started their walk back to the cave where Ahsoka could see Maul still keeping his eyes on her, still as a statue.

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