Chapter 6: Future plans

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With Ventress and Feral now headed back to the cave Maul walked up to Ashoka "My lady do you trust those girls? Ashoka smiled "yes yes I do... the oldest is a little rough around the edges, kinda reminds me of someone." She said as she took Mauls hand.....Maul smirked before grabbing Ashoka's other arm and pulling her towards him planting a passionate kiss on her lips before running his hand along the back of her neck and moving his hand along her lower back.... Maul bit down on Ashoka's lip and ran his tongue along the inside of her mouth before pulling back sucking on her upper lip... Ashoka blushed and opened her eyes to see Mauls bright gold eyes staring right back.... his nose touching hers.... "Maul...whats that about?" Maul smiled closed his eyes and kissed her again. "I just felt like doing it." He whispered in a low voice......... from a distance Ashoka heard Rafa"WOOOOOOO GET IT!!!" Ashoka looked in her direction to see everyone watching "Maul everyone is staring.".....Maul chuckled "I know my lady" he said before picking her up and slinging her over his shoulder...... "MAUL!! Maul what did I tell you about doing that? Maul put me down."..... Maul just laughed as he started carrying Ashoka back to the cave.

Trace watched leaning up against the wall of the cave "so whens the wedding?" Ventress laughed "oh so we need to fill you in it might have to wait tell after Ashoka gives birth because she is with child." Maul set Ashoka down in a chair and she looked over to Ventress.."Thanks big Venti, should I put you in charge of baby shower announcements since your so great at just giving information all of a sudden."Trace gasped "oh my stars!! Ashoka! Your pregnant?" Ashoka shook her head "yes I am, only a few weeks but yes.........actually maul can I talk to you real quick." Ashoka got up and walked over to Maul who was  now talking to Viscus...."im sorry Viscus can i steal him real quick?"..... Viscus nodded and walked away... Maul turned and faced Ashoka " my lady what is it."..... Ashoka sighed "Maul, since Assaj and Feral found a base I want to go and check it out pretty soon." Maul raised his eye brow " my lady thats not a good idea right now." Ashoka placed her hand on Mauls cheek "I have a crew ill be alright."....... Maul stared into Ashoka's eyes " No Ashoka I dont want any harm to come to you." Ashoka crossed her arms "Maul, im perfectly capable of handling myself ." .....Conflict started to show in Mauls eyes.... "Ashoka its dangerous and I won't be there to save you if im here......... and..... and .... just no" ...Ashoka took a step closer to Maul "Then come with me.... your brother and Ventress will be there too..... I think you forgot your brother is a shield he will mask our force signature..... either way I am going." Maul let out a growl "fine but promise me that if something goes sideways we don't stick around."

Ashoka nodded and wrapped her arms around Mauls neck "There needs to be something there for the people to rise up in the galaxy or we will never be free and will always be hiding".... Maul kissed Ashoka's cheek " I know my lady I would feel more comfortable with it after you had the baby."..... Ashoka giggled "come on Maul lets go eat." Ashoka took Mauls hand and headed over to the center of the cave where everyone was eating......Feral approached Ashoka and Maul " is everything ok?" Ashoka smiled yes Feral were just trying to figure out when we should take a trip to the new base..... maybe in a couple weeks to make sure you two weren't followed."...... Feral smiled "Ashoka Ventress planted a device that will pick up organic signatures and send a signal informing us.".... Maul had a look of relief "excellent, excellent then we will know if someone has learned of a visit to that world, hopefully we wont have to search for anymore."

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