Chapter 3: The Surprise

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******* This chapter will be short because i want it focused on just this one moment:)*******

About an hour had gone by Maul sitting by Ashoka's side, he decided to reach out and lay his hand on her stomach moving his thumb back and forth. A few moments had gone bu and Maul was transported to a vision.... He saw Ashoka holding a small baby in her arms, when the baby turned its head he saw the red and black face peeking thru his little hood....... he heard Ashoka talk to the child "is that your father? Do you want him to hold you?" The baby smiled and reached out to Maul....Maul fell out of his vision he looked at Ashoka in shock as she slowly started opening her eyes..... "Maul.... Maul I keep having this dream over and over it looks like you as a baby but i dont know why.".....Maul squeezed Ashoka's hand "My lady.... thats not me...... your..... your pregnant...... Thats my son...." Ashoka quickly came to her senses she sat herself upright. " im what?... how do you know?" Maul laughed.... " Ashoka markings and horns don't change these marking almost looked like mine but they weren't his eye were gold with a blue ring around them and his two prominent horns in the front looked like your montreals ...... I didn't think I was fertile or if it was even possible with the cloning but I guess now we know." Ashoka ran her hand along her stomach that has to be why I keep seeing him in my dreams over and over.... at first I thought I was seeing a distorted image of you.... but then you walked up to me and the child was still holding my hand...... then I thought maybe it was because there are survivors here which there are but none with your skin color.......Maul he looks just like you"......Ashokas eyes started to well with tears as she smiled at Maul.... "A while ago I saw him in a vision as a teenager he was very stoic looking..... force sensitive...two huge horns he wore a necklace of my fulcrum...... I thought.....I thought I was seeing someone on this planet I needed to find...... no I was seeing our child.".... Maul crawled into bed next to Ashoka and pulled her to his chest "My job is to keep you safe my lady, you and my son......I cant let any harm come to either of you ..... You are going to be an excellent mother as protective as you are... and im not leaving your side." Maul kissed One of Ashoka's montreals and held her tightly...... Ashoka squeezed Mauls arm as he held her close to him. " im not worried about someone trying to hurt me with you here."

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