
Start from the beginning

"Okay then what exercises do you have for me, Mr.Oikawa?" I ask and he was amused to see me act like a student.

"Well Mrs.Oikawa, I think I have some exercises for you to do. Let's start with a simple one, shall we?" I was trying not to laugh when I realise he was talking in a formal tone. He sounds so much like a professor.

"What kind of husband would I be if I made you lay on the ground" He grab some extra blankets from the shelve nearby. He unfolded it and spread it flat on the ground. Oh?

"I'm so flattered" I place my hand on my chest.

"Now kneel down and make sure to sit on your heels. Then slowly lean forward and spread your arms out long in front of you. Here like this" He kneel down beside the blanket and move his hands through my body to guide me. I slap his hand away when I caught him touching me too much.

"If only I could spank that ass" He mumbles.


"Nothing!" He smiles innocently.

"Breath deeply and take it slow when spreading your knees farther apart, so then you could create some space in between. We wouldn't wanna make the baby uncomfortable now, would we?" He whispers in a somewhat seductive voice.

"Look at you, all spread out like that" He run his hands down from my ass to my shoulders. Oi!

"Are we doing exercises or what?" I got up and look at him.

"Of course I'm doing exercises. I'm practising my charms aren't I?" He smiles and I just roll my eyes with a defeated smile.

"Alright try doing a deep squat" He used his hands to help with the support of my body and to teach me how to do it. Ouch my thighs are burning!

"It feels good doesn't it?" Oikawa smiled even though he sees I was clearly struggling to do the squat.

"I-I think I'm gonna fall" I said and Oikawa quickly crawl behind me to catch me. But something doesn't feel right...extremely not right...

"Tooru..." I called his name as I was still resting my back on his chest and his hands both holding my arm.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"I...I think my water broke..." I spoke and he quickly look at the blanket to find them soaked.

"NURSE! DOCTOR!" He shouted in an urgent tone.

Before you know it, I was laying on the bed, legs spread and ready to give birth. I'm starting to feel like taking back wah I said. It hurts. Oikawa stood beside me and gave me support as the nurses help me push the baby out, I stopped pushing when I was out of breath and tired. I can't exactly see if the baby is even out yet, the fabric is blocking my view. The nurses told me to keep pushing but I just kept shaking my head while muttering the word, 'no' continuously. I don't wanna do this anymore. It hurts! It fucking hurts!

"Miss you have to push!" The nurse said but I was squeezing my eyes shut and sinking my head into the pillow. WHY DON'T YOU FUCKING PUSH?! YOU THINK ITS EASY?!

"Y/N, Y/N, baby just focus on me and not the pain" Oikawa said and I opened my eyes to meet his. Hes even charming at a situation like this.

"We can get through this together. Okay?" He ask and I hesitated...After a while I nodded.

"Hold my hand and you can squeeze it as hard as you want. Promise me you'll push the baby out. 1, 2, 3!" By the time he counted to 3. I squeezed his hand while using all my strength to push the baby out.

"Ow ow ow ow ow" He cried to the fact he had trouble standing still. He ended up getting on his knees as he cried from the pain.

"I can see the head!" The nurse told me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Moans, screams and definitely curse words filled the room as I spend the next 6 hours pushing the rest of the baby out.

"Oh god..." I huff out a tired breath. The labour room was quiet for a minute until I heard a baby crying. God? Is that you?

"You did amazing" Oikawa place a kiss on my cheek and I watch the nurse did a check up of Rowan to make sure hes in good condition. No extra feet, no anything I hope.

"Congratulations, Misses and Mister Oikawa. Hes a healthy baby boy" The nurse hand him over to Oikawa who was being so careful. It's almost like hes holding a feather.

"H-Hey little guy" Oikawa had to blink a couple of times to make sure he wasn't seeing things. His eyes were immediately filled with happy tears when he was sure this was reality.

"I'm holding my son..." He smiled at me even though there were tears rolling down his face.

"How does he look like?" I asked and I was also getting emotional seeing him crying happy tears.

"Beautiful just like his mother" He was too lost into babying Rowan that he didn't realise the nurse was standing in front of him, waiting for his permission to give her the baby.

"Oikawa" I called his name since the nurse didn't wanted to interrupt.

"O-Oh sorry" Oikawa apologised and he was also very carefully when giving the nurse Rowan.

"We'll give him another checkup before giving him back" The nurse said and I nod.

I was finally able to rest after the nurses were done helping me clean all the blood. It was funny to watch Oikawa help as well, even the nurses were teasing him and calling him a good husband although he doesn't know what hes doing half of the time. Just like promised, the nurse came back with Rowan when she was done giving him injections and everything else necessary. I hold him close as I breastfeed him. It was definitely painful at first but hopefully I'll get use to it. Oikawa just sat beside me and was watching us as if we're two angels to him.

"Hes so pink..." Oikawa mumble while playing with Rowan's little toe.

"He was just born a few minutes ago you know" I said. Rowan stopped drinking and me and Oikawa were confuse to see him pull back, we laugh when he let out a tiny burp.

"That was unexpected" Oikawa said and Rowan was back to drinking the breastmilk. I yawn and Oikawa immediately notice.

"You must be hella tired after giving birth. I can take Rowan from here" He tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Okay..." I was sleepy when I felt Rowan's pressure off my chest.

"And you mister. We'll be having a tough discussion about volleyball. Would you like to be a setter?" I could hear his voice fading away as I slowly drift away into sleep.

I spend the next two days resting in the hospital. Honestly I can't choose between the pain before birth or after. Lets just say I'm not a fan of 'Vaginal Discharge'. Oikawa pushed the wheelchair and took me to the hospital's nursery. My eyes light up when I saw so many babies...but which one is Rowan? Oikawa noticed I was having a hard time looking for him so he just pointed it out for me. A soft chuckle came out of my mouth when I saw him resting peacefully in his crib. He looks so cute! I hate kids but this is different!

"I can't wait to take him home" I said and Oikawa bend down to place a kiss on my cheek. I look over my shoulder since he was behind me.

"I can't wait either" He looks through the glass and we both watch Rowan sleep soundly.

After two more days of resting in the hospital, same goes to Rowan. We were able to check out of the hospital. No sign of infections found in Rowan's body which is a good sign. Me on the other hand, the bleeding isn't as worse as the first day anymore. Soon the cramps will get better as well. Oikawa took us to the car and I sat the front with Rowan in my arms, hes sleeping so I'm sure we won't have to deal with a long drive with him crying.

"Time to head home. I can't wait for you to see the changes I've made to the place" Oikawa got in the car and started the engine. I don't know whether to be scared or excited.

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