MILORI:: Just Dance! We'll be okay

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Ship: Midori x Miley
If you're uncomfortable with this ship, it's okay. You may skip or not read this chapter at all.

Word count: 1762


"Oooh cmon now..." Miley said as she was frantically getting ready. "I wanna surprise him on this so-called date. Pretty weird that we do dates in a ongoing death game."

She looked in the mirror at her normal dress everyone knows her in. She adds the melted crown as the final touch and waved to her own dollself goodbye.

"Toodaloo, myself! I hope this date Midori has planned is fun! Ehehe."

She laughed to herself as she slid down the heart shaped vent. The small taps from her brown boots were muted from the carpet. She closed up the vent and started sneaking up to the 4th floor.

Normally, this would be easy... Easy for Midori to get passed floor 3. Floor three is where sometimes they had a secret security camera known as Teki, the memory dance doll. She's only active on some nights though. Miley made her way to the third floor and started walking carefully in pitch black to make sure she doesn't alert anyone. 'This is so easy to avoid.. Why is it hard for m-'

"WAAAAAAHHH! Sue Miley!!" A robotish voice echoed from the Ruined Corridor. "Hehaha! What's with that face? You look scared!"

'SHIT' Miley thought loudly in her head. 'There's no way, how did they hear me?'

Miley looked at where she heard the voice echoed and saw a black silhouette looking straight back at her.

"Are you Ranger?" Miley asked, giggling a tiny bit. "Do I need to do my job of being creepy to a participant before the main game?"

The silhouette stared at her, walking more near. She notices that the silhouette wasn't Ranger at all, nor even Safalin... Who was this person? As it came closer, she can make out that the shadow has two pigtails and looked very feminine.

As the figure went closer to Miley, they grab her arm and start taking them to a room. She tries to make the person let go but the grip got tighter and she couldn't make any loud noises before the participants get suspicious. Besides, she tried pulling away but the person wouldn't budge.

As she got dragged into this room, loud music start to play. Flashing lights everywhere, two obstructers were dancing. Each beat she'd hear, the obstructers would match that corresponding beat with a arrow move. She was astonished by this, it was so cool how the arrows would match up the song, like Just Dance!

Then another figure appeared on stage, she had teal & pink colored ponytails, gloves, and outfit! 'They're probably another obstructor like those two..' Miley thought.

"WOOOOOO! Been a while since I had guests huh?" The obstructer spoke loudly and looks at Miley with a smirk. "Oh my my! Never really seen you around here.. Who are you? You don't look like a participant. Are you breaking the rules?--"

"Ahaha.. You're funny. But I am not breaking the rules." Miley answered at the girl.

The music quiets down and the flashing lights stopped. The so-called doll starts speaking more. "Ooooo scary... Ehaha, My names' Teki! Known as the memory dance doll and I control this attraction!"

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