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I am so sorry about the confusion, so basically on wattpad it showed my chapters on my new pondwin story instead of here so I had to copy and past it back so it messed up the reads, votes, and, comments. If you don't mind going back to vote, it would be appreciated but if not i understand.



Hyunsuk found himself hanging out more with his friends close to the university where he would see Jihoon from time to time. Yoshi, Jaehyuk, and Junkyu were out with Hyunsuk at a little whole in the wall noodle shop.

"Guys, You won't believe what happened to me today," Junkyu started.

"You woke up early," Yoshi said, the thought made Junkyu frown.

Jaehyuk just smiled, "What happen hyung?"

Junkyu smiled again, "Mashiho asked to hang out with me!"

Hyunsuk turned his head with amazement, "yo, really? That's great."

Junkyu nodded, "isn't it? We are going to a museum."

Jaehyuk nodded, "museums are cool, depend on what kind though."

"I'm happy as long as I'm with Mashi," Junkyu said passing the bowls of noodles to the others.

Hyunsuk rolled his eyes, "You're whipped."

"Okay don't act like the only reason you hang out with us is just so you can coincidently run into Jihoon," Yoshi said.

"Damn why are you so loud," Hyunsuk huffed.

"He just admitted it, Hyung are you catching feelings," Jaehyuk said, singing cutely.

Hyunsuk shrugged, "I mean, I'm not that sure. I don't hang out with him, I don't even have his number."

"You don't," Junkyu sighed, rubbing his temples as if he was stressed. "Oh, I have it, do you want it?"

Hyunsuk shook his head no and waved his hand, "that's not necessary."

"Send it to him in case he changes his mind," Yoshi said.

Hyunsuk rolled his eyes, "shut up."

After he went home he laid on his couch, in his pajamas listening to the soft sound of rain from outside. He just finished eating his dinner, a hamburger, he was getting tired the rain nearly sending him into a slumber until a knock sounded from his front door.

Hyunsuk got up from the couch stretching out his body, he trudged over to the door. He opened the door thinking it was his landlord but, he was surprised when he saw a drenched Jihoon. They haven't spoke since the morning Jihoon stayed over, just occasional waves and staring at each other from a distance.

"Jihoon, come in you're drenched," Hyunsuk said, the immediate worrying about the male catching a cold.

Jihoon smiled, "thanks, I was on my way home then it started pouring and you were close by so i just came to your place. I don't mean to intrude."

Hyunsuk smiled softly, "It's okay, you can shower. I don't want you to catch a cold. I'll get you pajamas and a towel."

"Speaking of clothes I actually have your sweater, I washed it," Jihoon said, he pulled the boys sweater out of his bad. "Sorry if it got wet."

Hyunsuk nodded taking the folded article of clothing, "thanks, you can make your way to the restroom. I'll be right there."

Jihoon nodded, his shoes were off and he made his way to the restroom to set up his warm shower. He took off his socks, jacket, and shirt, until a knock on the door.

Hyunsuk was smiling by the door frame, Jihoon didn't close it, "These are the biggest ones I own, we are roughly the same size but I'm skinner than you so."

"Hyung, It's okay. Thank you," Jihoon said softly, taking the set and placing it on the counter. "my towel?"

Hyunsuk hummed, "oh yeah, here."

Hyunsuk just quickly went to the closet and pulled out a towel for Jihoon. They were just washed so they felt warm and fluffy. Jihoon shivered at the warmth of the towel it was something his body was craving.

Jihoon awkwardly lifted the towel, "I'm going to go shower now."

Hyunsuk rocked on his feet, "I, oh, yeah, go ahead sorry."

Jihoon closed the door slowly and let out a sigh. He just wanted to hold the boy and wanted to absorb his warmth. Jihoon put down the towel and turned the shower on all the way before undressing the rest of the way. The warmth of the water on his prickled skin made a relaxed sigh escaped his lips.

Hyunsuk sighed, he was thinking about what to do with Jihoon in his house. Should he make him ramen? He didn't know whether the male has eaten but, ramen sounded great for the rainy night so that's what Hyunsuk did.

"What smells so good?"

Hyunsuk glanced over his shoulder the boy was drying his hair with a towel, "ramen."

Jihoon went up and put his head on the males shoulder, "thank you, ramen is better on rainy days."

Hyunsuk felt the pace of his heart skip a beat, "I agree."

Jihoon tilted his head and looked at Hyunsuk, he smiled before going back and putting his towel in the hamper. He cleaned up his clothes putting them in a plastic bag to take them home to wash tomorrow.

"Jihoon come eat!"

Jihoon placed the bag by his back pack by the front door, he headed over to the dinning table and sat down. Hyunsuk placed two bowls then the pot of ramen in the middle on hit's cooling rack.

"Hyunsuk hyung," Jihoon said after put some in a bowl giving it to Jihoon and filled up his empty one.


"Can I sleep in your room tonight?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Well I just walked by the living room and it really cold in there. So I wanted to know if I could sleep else where."

Hyunsuk thought about it, his bed was big enough, "sure, I guess."

After eating the two grew tired and were now laying in Hyunsuk's bed under the covers. The lights were off and they both brushed their teeth, Jihoon with a disposable toothbrush Hyunsuk owned.

It was quiet, both males trying to find something to say.



"Can I hold you?"

Hyunsuk smiled a bit though Jihoon couldn't see him, "sure."

It's been a while since Hyunsuk has been held but, when Jihoon wrapped his arms around him and brought him to his chest. The feeling of warmth and safety made him feel comfortable an at home. Hyunsuk let out a content sigh which made Jihoon smile a bit, it's made him wonder if he could feel his heartbeat too.

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