The Cafe

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(modern setting, age 16)


Gabi's POV:

Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
I had been pacing from one end of the schools hallways to the next, fighting with my own inner thoughts. It felt like a never ending nightmare. I have never been good with dealing with my own emotions, even less emotions I couldn't even understand.

"Why must feelings be so difficult?"

This was getting ridiculous. Zofia was crazy for bringing up the idea of ME, liking Falco. I would never. I mean sure he's nice, and I like being around him, but relationships are bad, they only end in pain and suffering. I could never do that to Falco. People already say I'm too much to handle as is, but a relationship? Get lost.

"Your pacing isn't going to solve anything Gabi, stop being an idiot and just admit I was right about your cute crush on Falco."

I heard Zofia's voice coming from the left side of the hall, leaning against her school locker. I didn't want to deal with this right now.

"I don't have to admit anything, because you're wrong! I don't have a crush on Falco, and nothing you say will change that."

She rolled in her eyes at me. It's not like I needed her to agree anyways, she can think whatever she wants, but it won't change anything.

"Put down your walls for once in your life. You don't need to always protect yourself from everyone and everything, we aren't here to hurt you, y'know? I cant make you do anything, but I've seen the way you look at Falco, he makes you happy, happier than I've ever truly seen you. You don't need to be strong for us you idiot. We love you, especially your dear Falco~"

I just stared at Zofia in shock. She has never said so many words at once before, it was honestly kind of freaky. She was honestly right though, but I'd never let her know that, it would boost her ego too much.

"Fine. I'll think about it. Though that doesn't mean anything, and you definitely aren't right! I'm just choosing to maybe reconsider my feelings, that's all."

She laughed at me. Bitch.

"Good. Let me know how that thinking goes, I'll be at Udo's if you need anything. Just make sure to really consider what I said."

I looked at her and rolled my eyes. She's such a smartass sometimes.

"Oh and, Falco's going to be at the new cafe that opened up. He was going to ask you to come with him, but got too nervous. How about you go meet him instead? Little surprise~"

She then turned and walked away. She's so lucky she's my best friend, or she'd be dead meat right about now. How dare she know me so well!?

"Maybe I should go surprise him though.."

Falco's POV:

"You idiot! You had the perfect opportunity to ask Gabi on a date, and you fucked it up, no wonder she doesn't like you back.."

I sighed and laid my head on the table in front of me. At least the coffee and food looks good, though it would be so much better if Gabi was here with me.

ding ding

I heard the cafe door open, it's not like you could miss it with that annoying ass bell. They seriously need a different way to notice when people were coming in.

"Uh, hello Falco"

I froze immediately. I know Gabi's voice when I hear it. Though why would she be here?

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