Stiles was led up the stairs of Eichen house. The nurse had finished explaining the rules when Stiles noticed something on one of the upper levels. Someone was getting ready to jump. Stiles ran around the nurse ignoring her when she yelled at him to stop. Stiles tried to get the man's attention but he just continued what he was doing. Then he climbed onto the railing and jumped. Stiles looked down not wanting to see it. The nurse had stopped yelling at him and it was quiet as other patients moved towards the stairs to figure out what had happened.

    The nurse let other caretakers finish the correct procedures for when something like this happens she placed a hand on Stiles' back moving to lead him away when he looked over the banister one more time. In the crowd of patients he noticed the creature that had been haunting his mind for weeks. It was there covered in dirty bandages and the leather jacket. Stiles didn't fight the nurse as she led him away.

    Eventually she stopped at a room. There were three boys in it. Two were strapped to the bed while the third sat next to one of the boys trying to calm him down. The one closest to Stiles looked like he had been here the longest. His eyes seemed sunken in and you could tell if the restraints weren't there it was a good chance the boy would try to hurt himself. He had light brown hair and a bigger build.

    The boy not restrained had darker skin and was tall. He seemed completely normal but in a place like this you never know. The last boy had light brown hair as well. He was tall and lanky. Some of his teeth were crooked but he looked fairly normal, He seemed to be really upset. He kept struggling against the restraints trying to get free. The other boy kept taking hold of his hands to get him to stop. His wrists were rubbed raw from how hard the boy had struggled. They looked at Stiles a little weird like they knew who he was.

    The first boy finally noticed Stiles standing there. He grinned at Stiles and greeted him. He pointed the best he could to the empty bed in the corner of the room with a window above it. Stiles nodded sitting down. The boy that had shown him the ed introduced himself as Oliver.

    Stiles in return said his name before starting out the window. Soon, light out was called and Oliver listened immediately. The other boy in restraints had passed out shortly after that. The last boy stood and went over to the bed next to Stiles. Across from Olivers.

The boy held his hand out. "I'm Frypan," He said, shaking Stiles's hand. Stiles gave him a weird look before deciding it was a nickname the boy went by instead of his real name he could relate to.

'I'm Stiles" He answered.

"Well you seem relatively okay so if you don't mind me asking why are you in here" Frypan asked. Stiles sighed trying to think of an answer that doesn't make him sound too crazy.

"Um Night terrors, blackouts" He responded.

"Sounds like fun. I'll answer the same question so it's fair. My friend and I got here in a boat. Once we landed we told our story trying to find our friends but everyone thought we were crazy so they threw us in here calling it hallucinations' ' He explained.
Stiles nodded and then asked a question he wanted to know the answer to.

"How come your friend is restrained and you're not?" He asked.

"Oh ya Aris tried to run a couple times. He knows where our friends are and he thought he could get out of here, find them and then come back for me. '' He responded.

Stiles nodded, not pressing any harder for answers even though he was curious about the two. Frypan fell asleep not long after Stiles and he stopped talking. Stiles on the other hand was awake all night.

In the morning nurses and caretakers came in undoing the restraints. The two boys that had been restrained sat up Oliver questioned Stiles when he noticed the boy looked tired.

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