Chapter 11

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I jolt up, flicking my eyes open and breathing heavily. I have never passed out before, and I never thought I would. I'm no longer in the truck. I'm lying down on what seems to be a blanket. The fabric is soft and cushions the ground beneath me. I have no idea where I am. Leaves clothe the sky like a blanket, making it impossible to see above them. My eyes flutter around the scene, trying to find Kyan. With my guard down, Drew could've done anything to him. I push myself to my feet and almost fall back down. My head aches and my hands quiver. I find the car and grab onto it for support. My vision blurs, and I blink repeatedly, trying to clear it. Blobs of light flicker around across the image, and I sit down on the dirt, rubbing my eyes until they stop aching.

"I told you this would happen if we tried something." A hushed voice speaks.

"You were being superstitious. There's no way we could have predicted a full-on attack. It's impossible." Another replies.

"They know. They somehow knew we were planning something. It's just like nine years ago."

The words 'nine years ago' pull my brain fully into consciousness, and I peek around the corner. Their 'nine years ago' and my 'nine years ago' can't be connected, but the words don't keep the vivid memories from flooding back. I clear my mind before the trauma reaches me and focus on the conversation in front of me.

"They couldn't have known, Drew. Even if they could have surveillance everywhere, they wouldn't even know where to look. They think we're all dead!" The voice becomes clear to me and I realize it's Occi.

"You know that's not true." Drew replies. "We lost our home, Occi! Our home. Why would they attack something they never even knew existed? How would they know to attack? You're telling me they didn't know who we were when they were destroying all we had? That's stupid."

"That's not... That's not what I meant." Occi replies, her voice filled with sorrow.

"Everything's gone. We're wandering through nowhere. There had to be a traitor who leaked where we were or something..."

"I just... I don't even know how a traitor could have been in contact with them without me knowing. I thought I was doing a good job at making a loving society for us all. Now I have to singlehandedly keep all three of you alive in this... this absolute catastrophe. How can I do it, Drew? How can I keep them safe?"

"I'll help. Whatever you need, I'll do."

A few moments of silence pass. The night air feels cool on my face, and I turn back around, trying to take in my surroundings.

"Where did Nox go?"

Dang it.

"She was over there a minute ago... Where is she?" Drew asks.

I lay down and pretend to sleep. I purse my lips together and place my arm under my head to cushion it and roll to my side. The ground feels hard without the blanket beneath me, and I pull a sharp twig out from under me with me free hand.

"Here she is." Occi's voice hovers right over me. "She seems to have woken up and passed out again when she tried to walk."

"Nah." Drew's footsteps end right near my ear. "She's faking it."

"How can you tell?" Occi asks.

"You can't tell? No way she passed out in that comfortable of a position. Nox, I know you're awake. Get up."

Dang it.

I fake yawn and stretch my arms. "Good morning." I say.

"It's the middle of the night." Drew replies.

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