Chapter 5: Pranking Jeff and Jeff's Secret

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"Hey, (Y/N)!" you heard someone call. You tried to fall back asleep, but you couldn't. "Whaaaaat?" you said, opening your eyes and looking at the door. "You and Jeff have fun last night? I heard you guys." BEN said, smirking. You threw a pillow at him and he fell in surprise. You laughed and you felt Jeff turn. "Uh, Jeff?" you said, ignoring BEN's curses. You poked him in the side and he grunted and turned away from you. You snickered and quietly got out of bed. You walked over to BEN, who had stopped cussing, and whispered the plan in his ear. He nodded and you both smiled evilly.

BEN had the whipped cream in his hand, waiting to splat it on Jeff's face. You and BEN quietly chuckled. You held your finger to your mouth, gesturing for him to be quiet. You cupped your hand, held it out, and BEN squirt the whipped cream in your hand. You both quietly tiptoed to the bed, not wanting Jeff to hear you. He was laying in the middle of the bed, his face looking up at the ceiling. He snored and twitched his hand a little. You chuckled at him sleeping.

You slapped your hand on Jeff's face, making whipped cream go everywhere. Jeff woke up with a start, took off his blindfold, since he had no eyelids, and growled at you and BEN. You and BEN ran out of the room and into the living room. You hid behind the couch and BEN transported into the T.V. You snickered and held your hand to your mouth, not wanting any noise to escape your mouth.

You heard Jeff come running down the stairs and you peeked around the couch. He still had whipped cream on his face and his eyes glowed red in anger. "I WILL FIND YOU BOTH AND MAKE YOU GO TO SLEEP!" he yelled, looking everywhere for you. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" he shouted again. He tried to wipe the whipped cream off of his eyes, but all it did was smear.

He looked in your direction and ran toward you. You got up and ran into the kitchen. Of course, Masky, Hoodie, and Toby were in there eating. Toby ate waffles and Masky and Hoodie ate cheesecake. They looked at you silently and you sat down, breathing heavily. You got water and drank big gulps of it. "What the heck, (Y/N)?" Masky said, still staring at you. "I... played... me and... BEN... played a prank... on... Jeff..." you said through breaths.

He stood up as Jeff ran into the kitchen. BEN was right behind him, his blonde hair flying in his face. You yelped as he tackled you to the floor. He held a knife to your neck and scowled. "No one plays pranks on Jeff the Killer, you hear that?" he said, slitting you neck a bit. You smirked and said,"Well, obviously someone did. And that someone was me; and BEN, of course" Jeff looked at BEN and he bowed, smiling. "I will get you back for this." he said coldly. "Oh, will you now?" you said, still smirking. Jeff growled and got off of you.

"Finally, fatty. I was just about to become a pancake!" you said, dusting yourself off. "Oh, shut up. You probably weigh more than me." he said, looking at your body. "Me eyes are up here, retard." you said, putting one hand on your hip and the other gesturing to your eyes. "I know, doll." he said, taking Toby's waffle and taking a bite of it. "H-hey! That was m-my w-waffle!" Toby said, snatching his waffle away from Jeff. Jeff snickered and said,"Sorry, bro."

"S-shut up, J-Jeff, or I-I'll tell (Y-Y/N) what you t-told me about h-her!" Toby threatened, sitting back down and taking a bite of his waffle. Jeff quickly glared daggers at Toby and said,"You wouldn't dare." "T-try me!" Toby replied, standing up. "You wanna face full of fist?" Jeff said, holding his fist up. Toby held his hands up in defeat and said,"Fine, f-fine. I won't t-tell h-her. Not y-yet, anyways." The last part he said quietly. He sat back down and, again, enjoyed his waffle.

Jeff stormed off into the living room and sat down. "Uh, Jeff? What was that secret Toby was talking about?" you asked, sitting next to him on the soft, red couch. "Oh, nothing. It was just a dream I had. It's nothing." he said awkwardly. He rubbed the back of his head and looked around the room. "Can you tell me, some you think it's not a big deal?" you asked. "He looked at you with no emotion and said,"No." You crossed your arms and pretended to pout. "Why not, Jeffy?" You asked, giving him puppy dog eyes. "Don't call me "Jeffy" ever again or I really will make you go to sleep, doll." he said coldly. "Fine, Mr. Grumpypants." you said, still crossing your arms and leaning back on the couch.

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