Chapter 17 - Museum

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"Choose any car you like, darling," Xavier looks at me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because we are going on a ride, baby," Xavier shows his devilish grin as I look at him surprised.


"I don't think I can do this! This is too fast!" I scream as I hold the steering wheel of Porsche. For the past fifteen minutes, I have been trying to not crash us. It is around six o'clock now and Xavier has been encouraging me to go fast but I can't. I am afraid I am going to kill us.

"This is the day on mother Earth for us!" I shout as I accelerate the car at high speed, taking off to somewhere on this huge field. I don't know where I am going as it is too fast for me to even turn.

"This is why I hate supercars!" Then I make a successful smooth turn which amazes both of us.

"Now you might love supercars!" Xavier smirks as he takes control of gear shift and helps me to slow down to stop.

"Never but I enjoyed this," I smile, leaning backwards on the seat. Xavier does the same, closing his eyes.

"How do you feel?" I feel taken aback by the question.

"Free. I feel free and happy and thanks to you," I blurt out as I peck his lips. He wraps his hand around my shoulder as my lays on it. We stay like this for quite some time.

"Let's go somewhere," Xavier exclaims


"Anywhere you want," Xavier says when an idea pops in my mind.

"Do you have a motorbike," I am pretty sure he has because I remember seeing one in the base.

"I do.....," Xavier frowns, raising his eyebrow. I widely grin looking at him with puppy eyes.

"Fine," He growls then we head to the base.


"Isn't it so fun?!!" After getting the motorbike, I tell Xavier to take me to the Fitzwilliam Museum

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Isn't it so fun?!!" After getting the motorbike, I tell Xavier to take me to the Fitzwilliam Museum. I have always wanted to go there since I came to England. Being busy with study and internship, I never got the chance.

I let the fresh breeze hit me as my hair flows in the air, giving me a soothing sensation.

"Why are we here?" Xavier asks as we enter the building. Very few people are here today; after all it is a museum, a boring place.

"This is boring," Xavier huffs. We go to the top floor when I take out my camera. I always carry my camera, for research purposes also, everywhere I go. I love taking pictures, not mine obviously, of people and sceneries.

"Ugh, go stand there, I want to take pictures!" I drag Xavier beside one of the statues, making him put his arms around it. Looking at the situation, I burst out laughing out loud.

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